Chapter 19

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You were outside shooting arrows till the sun started to go down. You were sweating and the dampness of your skin made some of your lose hairs stick to your skin. You pulled out another arrow and pulled back feeling the breeze brush past you. You let go and the arrow sliced through the air hitting dead center on the target. You lowered your bow and took a deep breath. You leaned your head back and closed your eyes thinking about what happened earlier. You knew he did it on purpose and the look of accomplishment on his face after didn't help. You shouldn't have been hurt by what he said but it stung.

"Y/n dinner is ready" your grandpa called.

"Coming" you called back getting your quiver and bow and walking back to the house.

You walked in the house setting your things down by the back door and walking into the kitchen. You smelt the familiar smell of his chicken and rice that he made every time you came over. He taught you how to make it because he knows how much you like it. You made it by yourself once and it didn't taste as good as his. You grabbed a plate and served you and your grandpa. You put the plates down on the table and got you both a glass of water. You sat down and you and him talked for a little bit but he could tell something was wrong with you.

"I see you still have the same bow and quiver your mom gave you" he said with a smile looking at you.

"Yeah, I use it all the time" you said with a half smile.

"Are you okay Y/n?" He asked.

"Uh yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?" You said then taking another bite of food.

"You just seem a little bit off is all" he said "I just want you to know if you ever want to talk about something I'm here"

"I know grandpa, but I'm fine" you said with a small smile.

"Y/n, I'm old not blind" he said with a laugh, "You are just like your mother" he said with a smile. "She would do that same small smile trying to convince me that she was fine. So, what's wrong" he asked and you stayed silent. "Don't worry I'm not your grandma, I'll just listen"

You took a deep breath and nodded. You started from the beginning, leaving out the fact that you were in the league along with everyone's name. You talked about Dabi and how somethings went down in between you two and you said that you should just be friends up until the fight with Jasmine and the whole situation of today. He nodded and sipped his water.

"Do you want advice or no?" He asked nicely and you nodded your head yes. "I think you like him but just can't admit it, however he doesn't sound like the best person and I don't want you to go into something thinking you can "fix" someone" he said and you just listened. "Now this whole Jasmine thing, she is wonderful but you need to put your foot down, I personally would have taken my credit back but you have a good heart Y/n and that is your strength and your weakness. I say sit down with her and talk it out, I mean she wouldn't have sent the boy to check on you if she didn't feel bad. But in order to have that conversation, Y/n you need to let your walls down" he said seeing you give him an almost frighted look. "I'm not saying all the way, but enough for her to see that you are being genuine."

You sat there and thought about what he said. He wasn't wrong. You knew you had a big heart no matter how much you tried to pretend you didn't and you had walls made of titanium that you never let down for anyone except him. The thought of letting them down made you nervous but you knew he was right. You got up from the table and gave him a hug. He was the voice of reason in your life. He really had no choice because he was the only family you had left. Everyone else passed or wasn't in your life.

"Thank you grandpa" you said and he rubbed your back. "You know I love you right?"

"And I love you too" he said making you smile. "There is that smile I love so much"

You both cleaned up after dinner and you got ready for bed. You were gonna stay the night so you could go into the conversation with Jasmine with a clear mind. You laid in bed and thought about the other thing your grandpa said. Did you think you could "fix" Dabi? You had never thought of it that way until he pointed it out. Up until today you weren't even sure you really liked him. You could see yourself with Dabi, but how would that look and feel. You both have pretty toxic habits, for gods sake you both tried to see who could hurt each other more. You rolled onto your side and closed your eyes going to sleep.

The sun started to rise when you woke up. You stretched and grabbed your stuff. You went down stairs as quietly as possible so you would wake your grandpa. You wrote him a note and put it on the table then leaving. On the walk back you thought about what you were gonna say to Jasmine and what you would say to Dabi if you decided to talk to him. You got to your building and began walking up to your apartment. You felt calm and collected. You felt like you were ready to have this conversation with her. You got to your door and unlocked it walking in.

"Jasmine" you called out shutting the door. "Jas" you called again with no response. "Hey I know you are probably still mad at me but I want to talk" you said walking into your room to put your stuff away. "You know get past whatever this is" you said changing quickly.

She didn't respond and you knew she was probably still mad at you but you couldn't be mad at her forever. It made you a bit sad that she wasn't responding. You put on a shirt and you walked to her door.

"Jasmine" you said softly walking up to her door. "Please Jas, I just want to talk" you said not hearing anything.

You looked around and saw her keys were still on the counter so you knew she was here.

"Jasmine I know you're here" you said. "Look I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have called you a fuck up and a liar that was wrong and if I were you I probably would have lost it" you said hearing little groans coming from her room that were a little deep.

You wrinkled your eyes brows and grabbed the door knob hesitating for a second. You really need to talk to her even though she might still be sleeping this is a good reason to go into her room. You sighed and turned the door knob.

"Jasmine can we please talk abou"- you said as you opened the door stopping when you saw Jasmine jerk awake with someone in her bed holding the blanket to her chest.

"Y/n" she said with a concerned look in your eyes.

You just looked at her for a second. You wern't sure why she looked like that considering you had seen her like this with her boyfriend before so you din't think much of it until you hear groans and saw the man in her bed sit up. Out of all the people it could have been you didn't expect it to be Dabi.
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