The smell of defecation surrounded the air as we walked down the stables looking for the horse or mare that “speaks” to us. I don’t know what that means, I mean if a horse started speaking I would probably freak out and run away, but maybe I would stand around and watch it’s not every day you see something like that. I was just walking past the never-ending stables, looking at all kinds of horses when I saw it. Professor Harding—the horse-riding teacher—told us that when you see the right kind of horse you will just know. Now these horses that were with us were of course special—it’s an angel school, nothing less should be expected. Standing right in front on me with its shiny black coat was a Pegasus; he—a sign outside the stable said his name is Stan, so it has to be a male—was looking right at me. I was mesmerized by his long black wings and deep light brown eyes. Without asking anyone I unlocked the stall—I found the key right outside the stall by the snacks—I made my way inside, petting his mane.

“Hi Stan, now I know you can’t talk back, or maybe you can, but I think I have fallen for you, gosh you are beautiful. Can I take you out for a ride?” I asked rhetorically.

“Wow angel didn’t know you were into bestiality.” A deep voice said from outside the stall. I peeked out the wooden door to find my sexy fallen angel, my fallen angel? You are going crazy Angel.

“O gosh you scared me! I am not into bestiality you moron.” He chuckled; the sound of his voice is so instrumental, almost as if he is singing; I almost face-palmed myself for thinking all these stupid thoughts. “By the way, what are you doing here? You told me you graduated from here already, then why are you here?” he opened the door wide, walking right in, petting Stan. When he was done annoying the crap out of Stan he pulled me into a hug, shocked, I went stiff before hugging him back.

“I came here to congratulate you, I know you passed the flying test.” he picked on a loose strand on my hair, tugging it behind my ear. That simple touch raised goose-bumps on my arms, making me shiver. Before I could ask him how he knew he continued, “That guy who distracted you is one of my friends we graduated in the same year. Now before you ask, yes he is still an angel and yes that whole thing was part of the test.” My mouth hung open, how does he always know what I am about to ask him? Wow, he is good. I smiled at him.

“Ms. Howard! Have you chosen your Pegasus yet? If not, then we can assign you one!” Professor Harding yelled from all the way across the stables. I yelled back that I already chose one and he asked me to meet him by the trails along with all the other angels who have not yet gotten there. I yelled back an affirmative answer before opening the door with Stan’s reins in my right hand. My riding boots clicked-clacked against the mosaic as I headed towards the back door, to the trails. Dwayne was beside me, walking me to the trails so that I don’t get lost. Ha! Like that hasn’t happened to me before. After walking for about 5 minutes we reached the clearing filled with angels and their Pegasi. Before I could walk up to them Dwayne grabbed my arm pulling me towards him. I gave him a questioning look while he just smiled at me. His smile is very nice, like it makes me want to smile with him; his teeth are perfectly aligned with his strong jaw enhancing his already perfect features. I was dazed and didn’t even realized that he was leaning closer, he put his mouth close to my ear and whispered, “Good luck angel, just so you know Stan was my Pegasus as well, he is a keeper, he won’t let me fall.” He squeezed my hand in assurance, walking away towards the green shrubbery. I watched his retreating back walk before he disappeared from my field of vision.

“Alright guys and girls, I know this is you guys’ first year riding a Pegasus, but trust me it’s not that hard.” He stepped on the stirrup that is attached to his Pegasus, when he caught his balance he brought his other leg forward, mounting over the Pegasus easily. I watched in awe as he rode his Pegasus so confidently and surely while explaining that in order to get it to fly one has to pet its mane, softly while murmuring reassuring words to it. After he was done going over the basic precautions as to not hit the Pegasus or jump on its back forcefully because they tend to get hostile when someone does that.

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