Chapter 2

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Elena POV

Turns out I would be much more than just a science partner. I became part of their group within my first month of moving there. I got more comfortable talking around them, especially Robin and Gwen. Finney was my friend too, but Robin and I had more of a connection and if I didn't know any better, I'd definitely say he was my first crush.

"What's this." Gwen said from the side of my bed, a mischievous smile on her face and my heart dropped when she pulled out my notebook with R+E written all over the cover with hearts.

"Gwennie! No!" I tried lunging for it, her laughs ringing through my house as I tried chasing my best friend around my room. "Gwen stop!"

I covered my face with my pillow as she started singing that dumb K-I-S-S-I-N-G song to me, making kissy noises.

"I think it's cute! It's obvious Robin likes you too! Oh my gosh! Can I be your Cupid?!"

"What?!" I laughed at her and took my notebook back, "No! Robin is just my friend okay? It would be wrong to date him. We just get along because he finally found someone who can laugh at his jokes in Spanish."

"Oh I get it. You're dumb and blind." She tapped her head, "Makes so much sense now."

I glared at her, sticking my tongue out and she giggled. "Bitch."

"When's your birthday?"

"Uhh next month why?"

"Because I heard Mexican girls do a big party for their 15th birthday."

I shrugged, "Yes. It's called a quinceañera. It's when we become women, but I don't want one." She nodded and together we finished homework. She left before it got dark and promised she wouldn't say anything to Robin about my notebook.

I walked around my house bored, now having nothing to do as my mom was finishing more night rounds at the addiction clinic down the street. She never had an addiction, if anything that was my biological father, but I haven't heard from him since he went to jail 10 years ago.

I had nothing to say to him. His addiction ruined our family and left me scarred. I hated him and was happy to have him out of my life.

I bit my lip as I stared at the phone, tempted to ring up Robin and talk to him. Today was Friday and that meant I would have to wait two whole days before seeing him again.

I said fuck it and dialed his house phone. "Hello?" Finney's voice rang through, sounding slightly scared and relieved.

"Hey it's Elena."

"Elena! Thank god. Robin's making me watch Saw and I'm so happy you called." I heard Robin asking who it was in the background before lots of shuffling and I almost giggled when Robin answered sounding a bit out of breath.

"Hey Elena. What's up?"

"Just bored and wanted to talk, but you're with company so I can call later?" I offered, not wanting to ruin his time with Finn.

"No no! If anything you want to stop by and join us? Finn can walk you home too."

"PLEASE JOIN US!" I laughed when I heard Finney scream that in the background and agreed. I ran upstairs to change into some jeans, a nice lacy black long sleeve shirt with my converse. I didn't brush out my curls but sprayed water on them to freshen them up before spraying some perfume.

Robin's house wasn't a far walk, about 5 minutes and two blocks away. I made it to his house and knocked on the door. Robin opened up and threw his arms around me, making me smile into his chest as I hugged him back.

We heard fake gags from Finn and I glared at him. "Stop before I make him turn on Texas Chainsaw again." That immediately shut him up.

I followed the guys inside and kicked off my converse as I got comfortable on Robin's bed as Finn took the computer chair and Robin sat on the floor in front of the bed.

Being this close to him, I could barely concentrate on the movie. I smiled every time he laughed at Finn's slight scream or jump when a scary part came on. I could smell his cologne that made me so comfortable I didn't notice I fell asleep.

I groaned when I felt slight shaking. "Cariño, wake up." I blushed heavily at the endearment and smiled at Robin's face, he was sitting next to me and I leaned my face more into his hand. "Finn's using the restroom but the movie ended."

"So soon?" I whined as I hugged his arm, making him laugh. I didn't let go of him, causing him to lay next to me and I could feel my cheeks burning at him being so close to me.

"Can I ask something?" He said and I nodded. "How old would you have to be, to start dating someone?"

I thought of it for a moment. Most my family met their spouses when they were around my age so I didn't see why I couldn't date this early. It depended if I really liked the person.

"I don't see why I'd need an age limit. You?"

"That's great to know." He smiled at me, "Would you be my girlfriend?"

I widened my eyes at that, his nervous eyes now replacing the happy ones made me want to laugh. He thought I would actually reject him?!

"Claro." I smiled as he grinned, crushing me to him and I smiled into my now boyfriend's arms. "I'm so happy right now."

"I promise I'll do everything to make you happy. Siempre."

I smiled at him and soon Finn came out of the restroom, looking disgusted. "That movie made me never want meat again."

"Yeah, Saw will do that." I giggled and the night ended with Finn walking me to my house, asking me questions and telling me how nervous Robin was to ask me out. How he practically fought him over the phone when he heard I called.

I thanked Finn for walking me home, but as soon as the door shut, I ran right to the phone to call Gwen.

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