The whole day passed in a blink of an eye. After calling Elaina, the next thing I knew was getting off work.
"Leaving early today, Edward?"
Nicole's silky voice questioned me from her desk when I grabbed my things and stood up.
"Yeah, got some work to finish at home" I blushed, thinking about surprising Elaina.

Nicole had confessed her feelings for me a few months back and I somehow made her understand that I had no feelings for her and was already in a relationship.
I recently heard that she was dating another guy from our office.

"Wait please Nicole, I need help," I said, opening my drawer.
"Sure" She smiled.
My fingers found the little velvet box under my table and I took them out.
" Wow, are you going to propose to someone?" She clasped her palm over hr mouth and acted surprised.
Inside the box was a beautiful ring which caught my eyes the second they had laid on it.

" Yeah, I am "
" Congratulations!!!!"
" Is it pretty?"
" Of course it is, it is beautiful. She is going to be so happy!!"
" Thanks, I hope she won't say no"
"Don't worry, nobody can stand your charm" Nicole chuckled.
"Come on, wish me the best of luck "
"All the best, dude."
I smiled and walked out of my office room. I needed to purchase a bouquet of lilacs before heading home.
They were her favourites after all.
I was excited and anxious about this proposal thing. The chances of her rejecting me were less than one in a billion but yet something was holding me back.
Maybe it is not the right time?
Shaking away those unpleasant thoughts from my mind, I made my way through the basement parking area towards my car. But the sudden sound of tires screeching from the opposite side got me to stop in my tracks and check what was going on.

Do they not have enough space to park in this huge basement?

Something felt off but I didn't have time to spare to think about it. I walked towards my car which was parked on the farthest side. But again the sound of tires screeching reached my ears but this time it felt close. It didn't take me any time to turn around and spot a car coming in my direction.
"Name please" The nurse who identified herself as Margaret five seconds ago show me the question.

"Edward, Edward Knight" I informed her, lying down on the hospital bed and staring at the unfamiliar ceiling. I was hit by a stupid van driven by another stupid guy and my romantic evening was milliseconds away from getting destroyed.

"A guardian name and phone number please"
"Well, I am 26 and I don't think any guardian has to be informed about the tiny arm fracture I have right here caused by some brainless driver," I stated. I didn't want to let Elaina, nor anyone from my family, know about this and worry about death.
"Please, sir. I just need a family member's information"
"I'm sorry miss, but I don't wish to provide any information. I'm homeless, okay?" I sighed.

"Come on Edward, just give your girlfriend's number or something. If only you don't want me to tell her how you passed out after getting hit"
Will, a guy from my office who found and brought me to the hospital, had found the best way to humiliate me in front of Elaina.
"No way, she will worry"
"Whatever, I already informed her. She will get here in 10 minutes."
"Will! You gotta be kidding me"
"Trust me, man, a worrying girlfriend is tons better than an anxious mom." He chuckled.
" For real? I was going to propose to her today but see where I am right now. I told her that I would take her out and we would have fun. This is fucking insane."
I groaned.
At least the ring was safe and sound inside my pocket.

"Edward! Are you sure that the only thing you broke is your arm?" Miss worried aka my girlfriend scanned my arms and asked me in the most normal way she could without tearing up.
" Hopefully, Don't worry. I'm so sorry. I ruined our day, El"
" You didn't, okay? We can go out some other day. Thank god you are okay. You had me worried sick, you know " Elaina sighed, covering her face.
"I am okay, so don't worry " I sat up on the bed and placed my palm over her hand. They were warm and I realised that she was shaking.

"Hey, is something wrong? Anything else bothering you?" I felt that something was off with her.
"Nothing, what could even bother me!!" She smiled. But her eyes said otherwise. They were light brown now. Like a dry leaf.
" Elaina.."
" It's nothing, Edward. I am alright"
" Whatever it is, I wanna know. I love you. Not just your perfect side. If something is wrong, maybe I can help you."
" Maybe you won't like it. Or you might even be angry. I don't know, I just don't know."
" Elaina.."
" I'm with a child, Edward."
" Ah "
" You don't get it? I'm pregnant."
" Okay?"
What's wrong with getting pregnant?
" Edward!"
Wait for what? She is pregnant!
" What! You are pregnant?"
" Yes"
" And Elaina? You are afraid that I would be mad?"
"I don't know, I'm just anxious. This is unexpected and…. I don't know."

I didn't get why she would be anxious to tell me.

"Elaina, I'm so sorry if I have done anything to make you feel anxious to tell me about our baby. See I am not angry or anything, ok? I'm happy. Happy for us."
"No Edward, you haven't done anything to me.

It's just that I have some unwanted anxiety problem, okay?" A teardrop trailed down her red cheek.
"I love you so much and I wanna be with you forever. But I was anxious that I might do something wrong and lose you." I whispered while I tried to get the ring box out of my pocket. A proposal at the hospital was the last thing I wanted but I was going to do it anyway.

" What are you doing? Your arm is not well "
I sat up on the bed and opened the box before her.
"So, Miss Elaina Aubert, would you like to marry this human being and spend the rest of our lives together annoying the hell out of each other and bringing up little versions of ourselves? You know, I practically can't live without you"

By the time I finished proposing, her palm was over her mouth and huge disbelief was written all over her face.
Some of the people in the ward were looking at us.

"Oh, Edward!"
"I am going to keep doing this till you agree" I laughed, waving my plastered hand at her.
"You are so stupid" She sobbed.
Without warning, She bent down and kissed me; her hands holding my face and mouth devouring me passionately. I didn't care that she was kissing my face off in public while I sat on the bed.

" I don't need a ring, but since you offered I am taking it."
" Okay, so you are agreeing to marry me, right? You can't go back on your words, later"
"Yes, you stupid. I wanna get married to you."

My heart was brimming with a joy I couldn't explain.

A plastered hand or spoiled surprise didn't matter anymore with her accepting my proposal.
"Let's get married after my hand gets better, okay?"
" Yeah, we will. Now let's head home and rest properly."
"Sure "

Maybe a plastered hand is sometimes for the best.

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