Asmodeus - I don't know... If you want me, to help you then what do you say about that? Let's go somewhere. Just you and me. Like granddaughter and grandfather. What about Indonesia?

Isa - W-What? I...c-can't...

Asmodeus - Don't give me an answer now. Just think about that, okay?
I lost my son and a daughter. I don't want to lose you. Catarina kept you away from me too much.

Isa - I-I will think about that...

Asmodeus - But about your magic, I will help you. Even if you don't want to go with me.
Now tell me something about you. What you like, what you love, what you hate.

Isa and Asmodeus talked and started to know each other better.

° Magnus.

He arrived at Miya.

Magnus - Hi.

Miya - Are you back? Finally. *she rolled her eyes*

Magnus - What? Say it...

Miya - About our director... Al took her position.

Magnus - What?! Why??

Miya - I don't know. I don't know what happened. But he is an idiot, just take care, okay???
How is Alec?

Magnus - He is fine. I think I love him, Miya. I mean...I love him but it's like something else now... I want to talk with him about what happened to us.

Miya - Are you sure?? Do you think... *her phone started to ring*
You need to see that...on your phone...

Magnus took his phone and looked shocked.

Magnus - Isa... But h-how?... She was fine last night...

Miya - Last night? Have you talked with her?

Magnus - Yes. Isa came here, I mean at Alec...and she...said something, but she was fine...

Miya - It's 80%, Mags. What did you two talk about?

Magnus - I don't know how to tell you... Ah...she told me not to do that, I'm sorry.

Miya - Really? You can't do that, Bane!

Magnus - She is 90% now. Go and find out. Like we are doing with someone we don't know.

Miya - That's not fair. You know me, you can't start saying something and then...

Magnus - And I know her too. Now go, save her...

Miya - J-Just me?... Why?

Magnus - I have something to do. I will be there in 10-15 minutes, promise.

Miya - Okay... Where do you think she can be?

Of course, Magnus didn't know, but she wouldn't give up. Miya needs to find Isa.

After 2 hours of searching, they found her.

Magnus - Go and talk with her.

Miya - No... You will talk with her...

Magnus - Me? She needs you...

Miya - That's not true. Besides, you are her friend.

Magnus - She won't bite you.

Miya - But Mags...

Magnus - I will go with you.*he took Miya's hand*. Come on.

Isa stood on the railing of the bridge, smoking a cigarette.
It could be the first, third, or fifth cigarette... Even Isa lost their number.

She has thought many times about whether to jump or not.

- If I jump, will I die? Or will my immortal stuff keep me alive?? Like it did it everytime.*Isa thought a few times looking at the water*

Magnus - Hi.

Isa - Uh. Mags, what are you...*she stopped when Miya approached*

Magnus - What are you doing here?

Isa - Just...nothing. I am here to relax my mind.

Miya - Jumping? *she asked and Isa moved her gaze to the water.*

Isa - No...Maybe... I don't know.

Magnus - If it is because of what we talked about... She is here...

Isa - I don't want to talk with her. *she said, lighting a cigarette*. I rather jump, Magnus.

Magnus - No... Think about me, Cat, about Isabelle.

Isa - I am a damn warlock, Bane. I can't die... I know I can't... I tried...

Magnus - You did what?? *he asked and Isa rolled her eyes*.

Miya - You are...what???

Isa - So you didn't talk with her.

Magnus - Of course, not. You said "no", so I didn't. Isa, you have to tell her, to talk with her... I will stay here, I won't leave.

Miya - To talk with me about what??*she asked looking confused at Magnus*.

Isa - Okay, but you have to stay here, next to me.

Miya - There...?

Isa - Yes, here.

Miya rolled her eyes and goes onto the railing next to Isa.

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