"You don't have to worry Yagi-san! With the job offer came confidentiality agreement and I signed it of course."

"Well then... I'm a pro hero but due to a past injury my body was changed and now I look like this, but this form may be more familiar with you."

With that the blond man puffed out his chest and changed into a buff looking giant, AllMight. Izuku not wanting to be suspicious acted surprised.

"Oh wow! I wasn't expecting that! It'll be an honor working with a current number one hero in Japan."

The other man returned a smile and sat down. Now in his skeleton like form.

The principal had out his paws tighter and smiled brightly.

"Now let us begin explaining how things are run here to our new friend and tell him what is expected of him!"

After an over two hour meeting it was coming to an end. Myth learned that he'll have a lessons with both of  third year hero classes, four times a week in a classroom and one in one of the training sites available at UA. He also learned that due to the dorm policy he'll have to move into the teacher dorms. He's still allowed to leave as long as it's reported to the principal or one of the staff members. He's allowed visitors as long as they gain the visitor pass from the principal.

The meeting was ending and everyone was starting to leave when Izuku approached the number one hero.

"I'm sorry AllMight, but can I have a word with you in my office?"

Oh yes. Izuku has his own office now. Tho it's obviously almost empty as of now.

"Of course Mimoto-san!"

"You don't have to be so formal AllMight! Just call me Mimoto!"

The two men exited the meeting room together and went to the office, much to the confusion of other teachers.

"Why would he want to speak to him privately?"

Asked The voice hero his best friend.

"I don't know Mic. Maybe he's a fan or something?"

Answered him as much confused Midnight.

Izuku lead AllMight to his for now bear office and leaned on the desk, the other man standing before him.

"What's that you wanted to talk about Mimoto?"

"I... I wanted to apologize. The way I behaved when we first met was entirely childish and uncalled for and I blamed you for something I shouldn't have."

AllMight stared at him confused.

"What do you mean? We met today and I don't recall you behaving in such a way?"

"Maybe that'll help...your secret isn't as much of a secret as you may think it is"

Toshinori stared for a while and then his eyes gouged out as they're going to pop out.


"Please keep your voice down Tosinori. I know it's a lot and I'll explain but it's has to be kept a secret. I don't want to endanger the students and staff by driving the attention of my enemies here."

He thought for a while.

"Okay... You may explain. Everything. I want to know what you mean by blaming me for something you shouldn't have."

"*Deep sigh* Okay so first I'll explain how I look like this when it's known I look way different. You see my quirk allows me to change into any mythological creature/god as long as I have it's name tattooed on my body. If I have the tattoo for a certain time I start to get some powers and attributes of said form. This change in my looks was passible by my Loki form. He let's me change my appearance at will even in my original form since I had him for a long time."

The Legendary Hero: Myth (Quirk Deku AU)Where stories live. Discover now