Chapter 3

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Doing her cheer routine is important for the brunette it's her daily routine she's the head of the squad and needs to be at her best at all times

Her sister tries to get her attention by clicking her fingers only to be dismissed by her twin


"What you couldn't have just waited till I finished"

A look over her shoulder glaring at her twin

"Fine be like that.....Rafael..might

Her head spins stopping her sister from walking to the door

"He's what"

All summer Rafael has been flirting with Josie and she loves the attention not to mention she kinda has a crush on the guy but likes to keep him at arms lengths so she doesn't look too desperate

"Well I heard from Tia he's coming to the party your  holding this Saturday"


She flicks her hair checking herself in the mirror

Lizzie rolls her eyes knowing under that exterior she's glad the quarterback's coming

The queen bee enters the school halls walking down with her group looking effortlessly gorgeous wearing her cheer uniform

The short skirt catches many guys attention most of them drooling like shameful dogs

A wimpy looking boy wearing glasses accidentally bumps into the girl making josie look at him with disgust

"I....I ...I'm so sorry

"Yuck get out my face loser"

He nods with fear before quickly picking up his papers and scuffling away

Reaching her locker josie gets out her key as she listen to her friends fill her in on some new gossip

"Mikaelson is kinda dreamy you know....with those blue eyes

That brings Josie to look at Cleo and Maya gushing about Hope of all people

"Can we not talk about Mikaelson"

Maya twirls her hair as her eyes gaze outly dreamily

"Half of the girls from the squad are already drooling over her"

Cleo nods her head doing the same

"You shouldn't give people like Hope the satisfaction"

About to go josie sees that hope is standing with that famous smirk

The brunette moves only to get hope blocking her away again purposely

The bell rings

Moving past josie doesn't bat a eye cursing her some words as hope smiles to herself

In the gym josie puts down her water bottle doing a few stretches before her teammates get here

Feeling someone grab her waist she spins around kicking the person in the groin hard

It's Rafael who's clutching his crotch on the floor

" idiot you shouldn't of touched me like that"

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