Date At The Circus

Start from the beginning

Midoriya surprised and smiles nervously: huh ok then but how exactly

Uraraka had a teardrop and scratches her face: well i don't exactly know yet but i do have an 1 idea you do remember what you said to me at the end of the practical exams right

Midoriya blushes and remembers: huh yeh

Uraraka pulls something out of her backpack: well it maybe unusual but i was thinking this would be date material

She unfolds a guide and shows it to her neighbor

Midoriya looks at the poster and for some reason just looking at the clown man made him feel uneasy

He reads it: zombozos traveling circus of laughs

Uraraka smiles with her eye's closed: yep sounds fun right

Midoriya still uneasy and confused: sure i guess but what's a circus

Uraraka falls with her feet straight up in the air

Midoriya worried and confused: huh did i say something weird

Uraraka immediately jumps back on to her feet with disappointment: HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW WHAT A CIRCUS IS

She calms down and turns all excited: a circus is a show business for people all around that come to watch all of the animals, stunt devils, acrobatics and trapeze artist do amazing tricks and there's also magicians that do cool magic tricks and there's also maybe quirks involved and of course there are clowns too and they do nothing but show funny things and tell jokes that will make you laugh out of your socks

Midoriya surprised and trying to progress all of this new information his head: for a former broke girl she sure does know a lot of things

He smiles: um ok i guess that sounds fun so when does it come out

Uraraka looks at the poster and reads the date: oh it's actually opened this sunday around 9 pm and the show itself starts 30 minutes after

Midoriya confused: hmmm seems kinda late for a business show but ok

He smiles: then ill think of other plans for the date in the meantime

Uraraka was excited and happy to hear it: ALRIGHT

Narrater deku: ochako uraraka quirk zero gravity yep that's right just a friendly date with my neighbor slash classmate in the hero course of class 1A and a very close friend and infact my best friend since day 1 we have been through a lot since the start of our high school careers in UA whenever im feeling down or when im in trouble she has been there for me more then anybody and due to her very heroic reasons of becoming a hero she has become my motivation to work a lot harder to reach my goals as a hero and sometimes my feelings towards her are very different from what i get from everyone else in my class we are the best friends to each other and in certain ways we're pretty much like partners in crime in hero work and mostly in training exercises but to me she's a lot more then just a friend and this sunday it'll be the best time ill ever have with her well until later on that very night

(Now sunday 3 pm at the apartments)

We see midoriya in some good looking casual clothes he's wearing a dark green shirt vest with a hood and has short sleeves and it's left opened revealing a black shirt with a white H on it and the pants he's wearing are big and light blue jeans and wearing his favorite usual red shoes and he is just standing near his neighbors front door

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