bakugos starting line

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(The battle)

All might on the mic: THE HERO TEAM WIIIIIIIIINS

We see bakugo out cold but immediately wakes up as he hears the match was over

The boomer: huh no way

He gets up and moves to the hole in the wall then he sees midoriya passed out in urarakas arms

Bakugos growls in rage his head: no way i lost to him

He remembers of what he said to him

Past deku: someone i looked up to told me that i can be a hero and that's why im going to UA SO LIKE IT OR NOT YOU CANT STOP ME EVEN IF YOU TRIED

Bakugo was shocked from the memory

All might on the mic: the indoor combat training is over

Uraraka and iida are looking after the passed out midoriya

Urarakas worried and holds him close her head: he feels cold

The sleeping midoriya is breathing

Iida looks at her: he must be exhausted we should get him to recovery girl

Uraraka looks and nods: right

Bakugo in raged his head: i couldn't do a thing him i lost to him twice today why why is that i only lost to 2 of his freaks

(The monitor room)

The class watch in amazed for what just happened

Kaminari nervously grins: wow for a nice guy midoriya really loses his cool when it counts

Mina looks: yeh did you see his eyes when he was goo guy it was like he was a different person

Tokoyami: some heroes have a dark side even the most kind ones

Tsu looks her head: so wise

She looks at the screen: this class is too intense

(Back to the battle area)

The medic bots carry midoriya to the nurses office as all might, uraraka and lida watch them

All might looks at bakugos

The boomers head: my attacks deku countered everyone of them and he has a bunch of freaks that can handle me why why why

He falls to his knees with fear: he made a fool out of me and winning the stupid exercise

He still is remembering has he breaths with shock: does this mean if we really fought if we didn't hold anything back at all he would deku he would of killed me right away

With fear in his eyes as he's having a panic attack

All might places his hand on his shoulder: young bakugo cool your jets lets go review your work either you win or lose you can always learn from experience like this as long as your still opened to learning

Bakugo clams down

(To the rest of the class)

All might: well according to the results the mvps are young midoriya and young iida

It surprised and confused iida and almost everyone as they look at him

Tsu: but sir i get midoriya but why iida since the villains lost

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