Chapter One

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“If Mom makes us watch that movie one more time, I’m going to start hunting fairies.” Chris MacKensey stood in the doorway of his brother’s room, watching Jason on the computer. “I mean it.”

“Be careful, I hear they bite.” Jason didn’t even look in his brother’s direction. “Anyway, Rielle loves it.”

“Whatever. What’s so interesting?”

“It’s an article on poaching. How poachers are using technology to track animals – infrared imaging, hacking into databases to zero in on animals who’ve been tagged for whatever reason.” He glanced at Chris. “Seems the worst of it is in Kenya.”

Chris narrowed his eyes. “Anywhere near Animals Wild?”

“They don’t have any sort of map showing where the poachers are. But Animals Wild would be the perfect place. Animals feel safe there.”

“Well, as safe as possible, considering. Lions aren’t lying down with lambs just yet.”

“You’re hopeless.”

“Whatever.” Chris sighed. “So why is it tradition after Rielle gets back from camp, we have to watch that movie anyway?”

Jason shrugged. “You know Mom, she’s big on traditions. Same reason probably that we go to Animals Wild every August before school starts.” He looked over at Chris. “I seem to remember a time you had a crush on the girl playing Sarah.”

“Oh be quiet. She’s like ancient now.”

“So why did you watch Dark Water?”

Chris shook his head. “I’m going to bed. I don’t need to put up with you.”

Jason heard his brother’s door close and grinned. He knew that Chris still liked Labyrinth he just had to complain. Which was normal for his older brother. Jason turned his attention back to the article he was reading. His great-uncle Richard had been running Animals Wild Game Reserve for over thirty years now. In fact, his children were the actual ones running things, he just kept an eye on it.

Jason glanced over at the suitcase on the floor, only half full. They’d be going in the next few days and he couldn’t wait. He loved going to Africa, seeing the animals, seeing relatives. He just sincerely hoped there would be no poachers.


There was a difference in the air here, thought Chris, as he looked around the savannah. In the distance, he could see the giraffes moving along in their odd gait. There was a watering hole out that way. He and Jace had found the perfect spot near there to watch the animals a few years ago. He was itching to get out there.

“What’s wrong with you?” asked Ashlan, giving him a disapproving look. “You have ants in your pants?”

Chris jumped and nearly banged his head on the Jeep’s roll bar. “Have you seen the ants around here? They’re huge.”

Ashlan sighed. “Never mind,” she muttered as Geoffrey Callaghan parked the Jeep in front of the open-air building that served as the game reserves’ hub. It had a dining room, a small gift shop that sold local crafts and pottery as well as a viewing room to watch movies.

“Like I tell all the greenhorns who come here, you only wander off the trail one time,” said Geoffrey, grinning at Chris.

Chris grunted. “I didn’t wander, someone…” He glanced at Ashlan. “…led us down the wrong path.”

“I was ten,” snapped Ashlan. “Why were you following me anyway?”

“‘Cause, you’re my sister.” Chris moved to rest his head on her bare shoulder and Ashlan moved back, climbing out of the Jeep in the process. She held up her hands, her forefingers in the form of a cross. “Back. You’re sweaty and smell like a gym locker. Back.”

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