Chapter #9 Magic on Earth

Start from the beginning

"And how did she even get in?" Vince asks surprised.

"Quiet you two. And pay attention." Andy whispered, annoyed.

They watch as Veronica puts a rusty brown bowl down gently and looks through the bag then pouring out the continents inside. The bag reveals fingernails, graveyard dirt, frog legs, and worms.

The boy's mouth opened wide, shocked. "Oh my god!" Vince gasps.

"It is a spell." Adrian says.

"I was right!" Andy accidently shouts.

His noise made Veronica look up and the boys duck down in the bushes. When she sees no one there she continues preparing.

The boys get back up exhaling in relief of not getting caught. Veronica kneels down putting the continents one by one in the bowl then standing up getting a piece of paper out of her pocket.

"She should be doing a spell right now." Andy whispers.

Veronica looks into her other pocket looking worried. She checks everywhere around her. "What is she doing?" Vince asked.

"Maybe she forgot or missed something?" Andy guesses.

"Missing what another 'ingredient'?" Adrian joked.

"Oh no where is my phone! If I don't have it my family would freak out if I don't answer or message them in time!" Veronica thinks while looking around.

The boys bend lower into the bushes facing each other. "Andy, didn't you say that Veronica came out of the library without the bag this morning?"

He nods. "Yeah."

"And you didn't find where she could have put it?"

Andy thinks. "No! Because you didn't do a good job distracting her!" Vince answers for him.

"Ok then why don't we go into the library right now since it's empty and look for where she could have put it."

Vince and Andy share a look at each other. "Damn you are getting good at this." Andy says surprised.

"Yeah and you just joined back a few minutes ago." Vince smiles patting him on the back.

"Thanks!" Adrian says confidently.

"Ok you two go to the library and I'll go in to see what Veronica is trying to do." Adrian points towards the inside of the gym.

"Wait, why should we go and you stay here?" Vince asks, complaining.

"Because Adrian didn't even believe me until now and you were just doing this because you didn't want to be called a weak link!"

"Well I didn't!" Vince mentions. The doors to the gym open disrupts their conversation as they see Veronica rushing out to the library.

"No time to argue now. GO!" Andy whispers shoving the two boys out of the bushes.

"Ok ok jeez." Adrian says as he and Vince walk out.

"Just text me when she comes back." Andy says waving his phone.

"Will do." Vince says as they run on the other side hallway. They get to the other side of the hallway and get a look at Veronica entering the library.

"I'll text Andy." Adrian says.

Andy stares inside the gym thinking. "What could she be doing?" His phone dings and opens to Adrian text saying its clear to go in.

He then gets out of the bush and quickly heads inside the gym. He rushes to the bowl and empty plastic bag scanning the area seeing what and why she could be doing this.

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