Michael pressed one of the buttons, triggering one of the pipes which rotated. "Aha, we need to connect all the pipes together!" Michael beamed at how he figured the problem out.

Flames kept appearing from every side of  the room, it felt like we were standing in front of the entrance from hell. Michael presses one last button before the vent doors closed again, pulling us deeper.

A few more similar pipes and buttons appeared again that looked more difficult. I could hear Michael huff, irritated at the job but he kept going with no hesitation.

I listened to my heart beat while staying cautious of my surrounding. For some reason, Ennard had not appeared. " I think I'm done" Michael announced, taking a step back. I glance over and smile, acknowledging the temperature. "How did we survive even more than seventy-two degrees" I ask.

Michael shrugs his shoulder. Before Michael could press the lift button, Ennard grasps at the roof of the Lift and screams. I leap back and aim my weapon but Michael had different plans.

Michael lunges and kicks the clown with his long legs. Ennard clutched on to Michael with one arm, making Michael groan in pain. "Fuck, I got you" I shout, before aiming the gun.

I hit Ennard in the head, the bullet caught him by surprise, causing him to fall back. Michael leaps for one of the boiler buttons and slams it. The flames hit instantly, catching Ennard on fire.

Ennard screamed in agony. The worst part about it was that those screams sounded so human like. It made your skin shiver of you witnessed it. I stood their frozen, watching Ennard with realisation hitting me.

Ennard had the screams of my brother.

Michael quickly snapped, pressing the lift button which thankfully it speeded back to the level we arrived. It was thanks to him, that I was able to leave one of the most traumatic moments of my life.

The Elevator came to its final stop, where we were previously left off. Now that Ennard was gone, the building was very quiet. Michael helped me carry the body out of the elevator, gagging every second we carried it.

"You owe me a life time of crepes" Michael whines. I give him a small smile of appreciation. I don't know what I could of done without this kid. Maybe I can be grateful towards William for giving this smart and talented kid and for many things that I won't mention.

Stacking up the crates, we climb up helping eachother one by one. I helplessly lift the body up to the next floor. Michael sat on the dusty ground, resting up while I anticipated around the room, waiting for my call to be answered.

"Hello, detective office of-" the receptionist began to talk. "It's detective Y/n, get chief Jamie and chief Burke down to circus baby entertainment and rental. I found one of the victims" I firmly and quickly demanded.


"Well done detective, I knew I could count on you" Chief Jamie, grinned proudly. "Don't give me all the credit, the kid over there helped me" I smile. "It was dangerous to bring someone with no experience to the field, how'd you even find him?" Chief Jamie ask, curiously.

"It's a long story sir" I smile.

We were outside of Circus baby entertainment and rental, a few police officers and detectives crowded around taking statements and examining the body. Michael leaned against the building, being questioned one of the cops.

He was acting absolutely hilarious and adorable, exaggerating the story and making himself look like a superhero. I watched him carefully, as he shook one hand and then pretended to faint the next second.

Clay Burke kneeled down and looked at the victim, shaking his head sadly. He got up and walked towards us. "Your right Y/n, this was one of the victims. The injuries are horrifying it's like something out of a book. Whoever did this, will pay" Chief Burke angrily said.

I felt my stomach churn. He was right, William should pay but why am hesitating. Even worse, why am I going against my morals. "I'm glad your okay though, the kids said you were kidnapped. I had a whole team looking for you" He said, with a worried expression on his face.

"Kidnapped! That's a crazy assumption. I was just undercover on my job" I give a fake smile. Clay Burke and Chief Jamie don't notice this, giving a small chuckle back.

"You know what, I say we get some food at that diner down town to celebrate!" Chief Jamie grins. "That's an excellent idea" Chief Burke, taps his stomach. I stop in my tracks. I know where William is. "I would but I have to attend to something, maybe next time" I say in a hurry.

"Guess will just head to Freddy's" Chief Burke announces to Jamie.

The chiefs both give me a nod and step aside letting me walk towards Michael. "Hey kid, you okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm allowed to leave now, really need a good nap and a shower" he yawns, stretching his arms out.

"Go catch up on some rest and I'll pick you up for crepes as soon as possible, I have to go somewhere" I assure the brunette. "Will you be okay, Y/n?" Michael asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course" I try to re assure him. Before I could turn to walk away, Michael takes a step forward. "Your going to see my dad aren't you" he said. I stop in my footsteps, tensing up.

Before I could answer Michael, he give a small smirk. "Hit him with a brick if he hurts you" the brunette laughs. I run towards Michael, jumping into a hug.

I felt Michael grip the hug as tight as possible. A tear slid down my eye. I haven't felt so cared for in a while and it's good to have someone like Michael to be there for me.

After a few seconds, we let go and make our way to our own paths. I wipe the tears out of my eyes before I hear loud but slow claps behind me. "Well done detective, on another mission" Connor grins.

I turn around to face him. I had a gut feeling about him this time though, there was something off. It was the same old Connor who followed and looked up to me, but there was something different.

"Thanks Connor, I appreciate it" I awkwardly say. Connor took a few steps closer to me, a few inches from my face. "Where's the other detective you were with" he gives a suspicious look.

"He's busy, I need to go Connor I'll talk to you later" I said, taking a step back. I rush out of the way, not looking back. I felt Connors eyes digging into my back.

I shook the uncomfortable feeling away. I had bigger things to worry about.

Hello guys sorry for being so inactive dw more William Afton chapters coming ahead!

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