the explanation - 25

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'if you let me go, maybe i'll fucking consider it.', simon hissed at jj before he let simon go.

the blue eyed boy smiled in satisfaction before walking towards the exit.

'nah.', jj said, stretching his arm out and holding simon again.

'let. me. go.', simon demanded.

'okay.', jj said, grabbing ahold of simon's hand and pulling him into a corner far away from the exit.

they stared one another in the eye, simon crossing his arms.

'can you let me explain?', jj asked.

'i can, but will i?', simon questioned, looking down at his feet.

'just listen, don't say anything. i'll say what i need to say and i'll walk out and just leave you alone again, aight?', jj offered and simon just nodded.

'thank you.', jj smiled before letting out a huge sigh.

'basically, you know how we kissed at the party?', jj started. 'yes.', simon replied, embarrassed. 'well, angelica happened to see us kissing. when i got home, i got a whole paragraph from her, saying that she'd kill you if she ever saw us together again. i didn't believe her and kept hanging out with you. a few days later, she sent a picture of a gun. she said something like; 'choose, baby, simon or me. hint, one of the choices involve death.', i was scared that she'd actually kill  you, so i ignored you. it was the hardest thing i've ever done. she forced me to date her, post about her and snog her in front of everyone so they'd know. i never wanted to ignore you, but i'd rather have you be safe, si.', jj explained as simon listened, shocked.

'oka-', simon started, but got shut up by jj.

'wait, i'm not done. at the club, i saw you hold that lad's hand and it made me furious. i wanted to punch that man up. when i saw you pull him into the bathrooms, i had enough. i didn't want your lips touching another man, or woman, for that matter. i might've followed him home, because i didn't want you staying with him whatsoever. i thought he was gonna fuck you whilst you were blacked out. i knocked him out then and there.', jj explained.

'but, why?', simon asked.

'i was jealous, okay? i couldn't contain myself.', jj admitted, making simon smirk at the thought of him being jealous.

'one more thing, i beat harry up for you.', jj informed simon as his jaw dropped to the floor.

'excuse me? why?', simon asked.

'he told me about how he treated you, and how he felt like it was right at the time. it made me furious and - like i said - when it comes to you, i can't contain myself. simon, i almost knocked him out if it wasn't for my mate.', jj explained.

'you're crazy.', simon whispered out.

'when it comes to you, sure.', jj smirked, making simon blush.

'i informed the police about angelica blackmailing me and her dad wants to move to another country so he can keep his gun. i'm so happy i got the courage to speak up, because now i can finally explain myself. ignoring you was the hardest thing i've ever done, simon. it didn't feel good. at maccies, all i wanted to do was run up to you and hug you, let you know why i was being such a dickhead. when you were at the little café, i was in the back. i came by to tell emerald about all this and she told me it's best for me to call the police, let them know. i'm so stupid for not listening, i just didn't want you to get hurt, or worse, killed.', jj finished explaining, leaving simon speechless.

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