Summer Holiday 💜 (LxF)

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The Olsen-Smith family decided to go on a refreshing vacation this coming July. To keep the family spirit up, all of the Olsens are welcome to join them.

As a family that has enough money to fund a large getaway, they plan to go somewhere tropical, near the Earth's equator. A small dignified Asian country in the southeast of the globe, the Philippines. The have been there, at Mindanao, to be exact. But this time, together with their newest member of the family.

In Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte, Philippines, the family embarks on a new place to explore, since little Izzy has been interested in sea creatures nowadays. Famous for its Bangui Windmills and as the border of the country's isles, they intend to visit a waterpark along the shoreline.

"I'm sorry lil' sister, but Ashley and we couldn't make it. The flight got delayed and we have to finish things back at the studio."

"Ah, that's alright. We understand. Keep safe though, we miss you."

"Take care."

"Take every scene of Izzy on camera and send it to us immediately! Especially her first word! It should be Auntie Ashley!" Ashley said in the background

"No, it should be Auntie Mary-Kate!" Mary-Kate debated.

"Alright, alright sisters. We have to go now or we'll miss our flight. Love you both!"

"We love you too!"

"Aaaaab!" Izzy cheered.

"That's right baby, l-o-v-e, LOVE.

"Bbbuh." Izzy tried to copy her mom as Lizzie giggled.

"Girls? It's time to go." Ethan yelled. "Coming, baby!"

At the airplane...

"Mmm-ahhh!" Izzy wiggles through her mother's grasp. "Why is she so cranky? She was just fed." Lizzie sighed.

"Here, let me. You go and take a rest." Ethan takes his daughter and tried to soothe her.

Some time later, Izzy finally went to sleep. "Sleep tight, kiddo. You'll have to recharge for later once we set foot on sand." he caresses his daughter's head.

Several hours later, the plane finally landed. The giant building read as "Ninoy Aquino International Airport".

The family took a cab together with Jarnette and Lizzie's younger sister, Taylor.

"I'll hold Izzy for a while."

"Thanks, Tay." Lizzie handed her daughter over.

The family took a private ride all the way from the National Capital Region to Region 1, where Pagudpud, Ilocos Norte is. A total of 10.6 hours was consumed from their place of origin to their destination. Yes, I'm your Waze. *wink

Izzy just gave them one peaceful hour of slience before wailing, again. "What is it, baby? What's wrong?" Jarnette bounces the 7-month old infant in her arms. "Here mom, maybe her diaper."

"Aaah!" Izzy giggles, taking her tiny foot in her mouth. "I feel like you're mocking me, sweetheart ." Lizzie looks at her daughter's diaper, which is indeed full.

Skipping forward to all the hiccups on the way, they finally arrived. It was currently 2 in the afternoon, so they booked a hotel and headed into the pool. It was getting pretty hot, after all.

Ethan changed into his swimming trunks, then changed his daughter. This was Izzy's first time swimming, so they purchased a mini rashguard for her.

"Aren't you a cutie?" He rubs his nose with Izzy's "Mm-mm."

Soon enough, they got down the elevator and through the prestigous hotel's hallways, heading to the pool area.

"3rd floor, right?"

"Yeah, the sign's right there, baby."

"I knew that."

It's kind of odd that they seem to blend in the crowd. They liked being just normal people for once, not being swarmed by paparazzi or any annoying fans. They loved their adoring fans, just not the ones that invades their privacy.

Ethan dips his index finger on the water. "Alright, perfect. Here you are, sweetheart." He places Izzy on the water, inside her new floatie.

"Aww, my little girl! You like it, huh Izzy?"

"Awiee!" Izzy splashes her hands around.

"That's my girl! Good job, sweetie!" Ethan claps his hands in front of the infant.

Ethan takes her daughter for a tour down the lazy river while Lizzie bonds with her mother and sister. The two was just about to finish their first lap when water jets suddenly sprayed over Izzy's face.

"Ahhh ah-mee!" she squealed in surprise. "I got you, baby girl!" Ethan shields her.

Lizzie overheard their conversation and swam closer. "Wait a minute, did she just call me?"

"Ah-mee...." the infant opens and closes her palms continuously, indicating that she wants her mother.

"Oh, what a good girl! That's right. Mom-my! That's me, mommy!" Lizzie hugs her daughter when Izzy glimpsed on her father. "Ah-dee?"

"Awwh, yes baby. I'll join the hug."

The hug broke as Lizzie continues to play with Izzy. Ethan scooches in.

"Congrats on being Izzy's first word." Ethan ducks his head. "Aw come on, are you jealous?"

"No, not really. I mean despite we have been debating on who will be her first word for these past months." He smirked. "But I know and I'm glad that Izzy chose her mom as her number one. Both of you always comes first."

"Oh, babe." She steals a quick peck on his lips.

"Wait, we didn't catch that on cam!" She covers her mouth agape upon realizing.

"I did," Taylor responded from behind.

"Oh my goodness. Thank you, Tay. The twins would murder me. Although they still would since I'm her first word."

"Aw shucks, it's nothing. I know I'm your savior." she giggled.

"You always have been."

"Anything for you guys. You're my favorite iconic family now." She shoots her a wink.

"Ah, I love seeing our family like this." Jarnette sighed approaching. "Come to granny, little one." The couple handed over little Izzy to her. Jarnette started to woo the infant while the pair leaned at each other, their eyes never leaving a precious moment.

They jolt up, feeling a pair of arms behind them. They turned around. "Taylooooor," Lizzie groaned while Ethan chuckled.

"What? You love meeee, don't deny it."

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