Bye Bye Chthon

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*Wanda 2 was taken back to her universe*
Wanda- What's happening?

Strange/America- Questions later

Strange- Chthon wants to find a dark hold because he can't exist without one. He is destroying universes to find one.  Wanda... I know the dark hold cost us lot of trouble but you need to open it again. Get that evil book and become a hero again!

Wanda- America... I have to apologise for the things i did to you. It's just it wasn't me i couldn't control myself. I was lead from my emotions and corrupted by the dark hold.

America- It's all right. Just tell me next time and i can help, don't try and kill me.

Wanda- Well i need your help now. Do you remember that hellish universe where you almost send me, before taking me to my children?

America- Yes! Why?

Wanda- Take me there.
*america takes Wanda to that universe*

Wanda- Thank you. It's too dangerous for you two to come with me. Stay here and i open a portal in about an hour. I will be done.

Strange- Your not going in there alone. We don't know what type of powerful creatures hide there, or what evil gods are there as well.

Wanda- Ok fine but whatever you do hide and stay safe. 

Strange/America- Ok don't worry.
*Wanda goes to a huge castle guarded by huge red alien monsters while being followed by Strange and America*

Strange- Wanda it's too dangerous. Don't go.

Wanda- As you said. I'm one of the most powerful beings in the multiverse. I can do it.
*she gets in and finds the dark hold. She gets it and as she got out of the castle the aliens started chasing her*
*she tries to kill them but they're armour can't be destroyed by any sort of magic*

Wanda screaming- AMERICA GET US BACK!!!!
*america tries to open a portal but she can't because she is so stressed*
*wanda flies and gets them both with her magic and gets them at the first portal*

Strange- Aah. Told you it was okay too dangerous.

Wanda- At lease say thank you. Your still alive because of me.

America/Strange- Yeah Thanks.
*wanda is looking for where Chthon is*
*she finds him and calls him to come to this universe*

*Chthon comes to Wanda*
Chthon- Woah. You've grown. I remember the little girl with brown hair. Now you are exactly what you have to be. Where's you brother. Last time i saw him he was 7.

Wanda- He's gone. Thanks for reminding me adopt that.  Asshole

Chthon- Oh no. My little child is gone. You two had to be the loving twins that guard the dark hold. What about Billy and Tommy.

Wanda- Billy and Tommy are not with me anymore.  That's why the dark hold was destroyed and that's why your here.

Chthon- Huh. They were supposed to be three not two.

Wanda- What?
*chthon gets into Wanda's mind and looks at what happened. He sees that she had three kinds but one of them didn't hold powers so it was thrown in a universe where Stark was alive so he adopted the third kid*
*Chthon puts this in Wanda's mind*

Wanda- Stop with the lyes you son of a bitch. No back to where you came from. Bye Bye Chthon.
*wanda puts him back in the dark hold*
*wanda hears Chthon's voice one last time saying "get the third child. GET TONI BACK"*

/Chapter 3 soon\

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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