Wanda Returns

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*7 months after Wanda's death Strange is taken to Dormammu*

Strange- What do you want from me

Dormammu- After the dark hold was destroyed universes started collapsing on themselves. 745 of them are gone. After multiverse 1, that's the one your in, mine will be destroyed as well.

Strange- Why is this happening?

Dormammu- Chthon!

Strange- Excuse me what?

Dormammu- Chthon! He is a god. He created the dark hold. He's one of the strongest beings in all universes, even stronger than eternity. Chthon hold dark magic and chaos magic and also cursed Wanda with her being the scarlet witch. Here read this.
*gives a book with everything about Chthon*

Strange- But it says that he is trapped and he can't be freed.

Dormammu- He trapped his soul within the dark hold. When it was destroyed his soul broke free.

Strange-What dose he want and why do you want from me. I'm not powerful enough to kill him.

Dormammu- He what's to find another dark hold because he can't exist without one to put his soul in. And I'm calling you because you were the only one there when the dark hold was destroyed and you know what happened so tell me and we can do it.
*strange tells dormanmu what happened*

Dormammu- You need to get her back. She killed herself because she was walking dark hold. And when one is gone all of them are. Think of some way to get you're Wanda back. That's the only one way we can survive. FAST!!!

Strange- And i know how i can.

*strange goes to Kamar Taj and tells America Chavaz what's happening*

America- Well what do you want from me?

Strange- I want you to get one Wanda from another universe. She is the only one that can help her.


Strange- you want to be hero right?  Well than
you have to or else Chthon will end all multiverses.

America- Ugh ok fine i will.

*she makes portal and gets Wanda 2 from there*

*they tell her everything and she makes it so Wanda 1 never killed herself but wasn't able to reverse the closing of the dark hold so Chthon was still out there trying to find one dark hold*

/Chapter 2 soon\

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