The white mistress major is back

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Yuna: I don't know maybe she is

Chaeryeong: ahh I don't think she's married

Yuna: Really?

Chaeryeong: She doesn't even have a ring come here Yuna I have to tell you something

Yuna: What is it?

Chaeryeong: *whispers to Yuna* Maybe she's our king's mistress

Yuna: What?! Really? Is that his Mistress?!

Chaeryeong: maybe

Yuna: What if she was his wife or like long time fiancé?

Chaeryeong: Actually Queen Ailee is our king's wife and that woman might be his ex girlfriend or mistress because she doesn't even have a ring

Yuna: Ahh I see she doesn't have it but I think let's find out later

Chaeryeong:  ok

❦Yeonho and Minchan saw Loida walking inside their castle❦

Yeonho: Ma'am what are you doing here? Who are you finding?

Minchan: Can I help you ma'am?

Loida: is Gyehyeon here? Why isn't he there in his throne?

Yeonho: he's resting maybe

Minchan: Yes actually he's in his room resting uhm.. ma'am I would like to call him if you want too

Loida: I want that I want to talk to him

Minchan: ok

❦Minchan and Yeonho started going inside Gyehyeon's room❦

Gyehyeon: Why are you guys here?

Yeonho: We have our unknown visitor here

Gyehyeon: Who is it?

Yeonho: there she is in downstairs

Gyehyeon: ok

❦Gyehyeon goes downstairs and gets mad at Loida❦

Gyehyeon: What are you doing here?!

Loida: *hugs Gyehyeon* I miss you so much don't you miss me? I can't stop thinking about you

Gyehyeon: *gets mad and removes Loida's hands into his waist* No!

Loida: Why?

Gyehyeon: You've been cheated on me for along time!

Loida: I can explain!

Gyehyeon: save it! We are over!

Loida: *cries* I thought you loved me and missed me back!

❦Meanwhile Kangmin, Eric, I.N, Hoyoung, Yuna , Seeun, and Chaeryeong sneak into their castle where Gyehyeon and Loida are fighting❦

I.N: oh my god our brother's ex returned

Hoyoung: Here she's again

Kangmin: That's not even his ex that's his mistress

Eric: I know right she cheated on our brother Gyehyeon for a long time

Yuna: Ahh Chaeryeong unnie is right

Chaeryeong: I knew it! she's a bitch! She's the mistress 

Seeun: true she's an old lady who cheated on my Gyehyeon Oppa she's a sucker

Yuna: That woman is a witch!

Hoyoung: true

Seeun: We don't need to sneak here for so long we need to stop her now!

Kangmin: Oh yeah twin sis you got a point let's stop her now!

Hoyoung: ok let's go

❦They tried to stop Loida from meeting Gyehyeon❦

Loida: *cries and can't stop kissing and hugging Gyehyeon* I love you!

Gyehyeon: stop it! *Pushes Loida*

Loida: *cries* What do you want for me?! Do you still love Ailee?!

Gyehyeon: Yes I love her

Loida: I don't think she's a good queen! Where is she?! Where is the slut girl that you married?!

Hoyoung: Hi old lady leave my brother alone!

Loida: *to Hoyoung* it's none of your business Hoyoung!

Kangmin: *gets mad at Loida* oh it is Loida! your being slut!

Loida: How could you Kangmin?!

Seeun: But you are Loida! You cheated on my brother! You fooled him!

Eric: Yeah how evil are you miss Loida?! You also fooled us too

Chaeryeong: *shows her feisty attitude with Yuna* yes Ma'am! I knew you're his mistress that's why you came here

Yuna: *to Loida* Yeah! That's how you want him duh!

Loida: Y'all so offensive and discriminated my relationship with Gyehyeon

❦Yuna calls Loida Karen❦

Yuna: *evil laughs* not so fast Karen little do you know that King Gyehyeon doesn't love you anymore *high fives with Chaeryeong*

Loida: You little!!!! *Attempts to slap Yuna but Gyehyeon stopped her*

Gyehyeon: stop it! Loida stop insulting my allies and my siblings here and *To Hoyoung* Hoyoung call our soldiers here now!

Hoyoung: ok *calls the minotaurs*

Minotaur: What do you command prince jester?

Hoyoung: I would like to kick my brother's mistress inside my castle now

Minotaur: Yes prince jester

Hoyoung: Thank you

❦The minotaurs went inside Gyehyeon's castle and drags Loida outside❦

Loida: *screams* let me go!!!!!! aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Me: Oh no who is that???!!

Chaeryeong: That's his mistress

Me: No way she must be crazy

Lani: that's crazy she was kicked out

Yuna: yes she's crazy and desperate and trued to kiss our king

Lani: I hope she gets a karma

Yuna: definitely!


The Fallen King and The White PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin