The Clearance

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Stuart is waiting for Jimmy in his room. He already makes a mind to confirm things what Jimmy wouldn't like. He knows he isn't Jimmy's Choice either. Neither he tried to be, nor Jimmy cares. He also knows, Professional things rarely damaged them in Personal. But that normal thing creates a Hole between them, what Stuart can't take. "Jimmy made it hard for me," Stuart tells himself with disappointment.

Hours later,
Jimmy quickly comes to his room, opens the door and finds Stuart, who already looking at him. "You always made me wait," Stuart says. "Oh! Sorry I was busy with others," Jimmy says. Stuart shuts his eyes, breaths, says "I KNOW." Jimmy closes the Door behind him.

"First tell me, why were you sad I mean disappointed?" Jimmy asks first. Stuart takes a breath said nothing. "Only Root missed the catch that's why?" Jimmy asks frankly. Now, Stuart looks at him. "You think, for one miss-field? I am not junior, I have sense. It happened, just let it go. Even I did not show any anger on field so how can You think, I am disappointed for that?" Stuart says frustratingly. "So then what for?" Jimmy asks again. "Just tell me one thing, you, you were not in the XI of last match and I can not do any wicket-celebration without YOU. Yeah, I have to do sometimes. But I am guaranteed you, I will get my 550th when you will be with me. We have one match left against India. I will be trying to get one, for YOU," Stuart explains. Jimmy laughs says, "Oh! Don't loss your mind over silly things. I know you are gonna get 550 soon. And I don't come here to know what your plans are. I came here for ensuring you, do not over react. Okay? Get it?" Stuart quietly asks, "Why you worry too much about me?" Jimmy freezed and gives a look, "I DO NOT. Root asked me to talk with you and solve that thing. He wanted to know your situations. That's it." Stuart chuckled. "Don't say, you had nothing for me?" He tell Jimmy. "I have! You are right, I have. I have some weird feedbacks, which are hated by you at the same time loved by me," Jimmy says as Stuart gets anger. "Tell me again, why were you frustrated?" Jimmy asks again. "FOR YOU... FOR YOU JIMMY!" Stuart shouts loudly that time. Jimmy scared. "What for me? What I did?" Jimmy says, "Listen Stuart, I asked you many times what my fault was but you, you did not answer." Stuart looks at him. Jimmy can clearly sees some tear in his eyes. "What should I answer when you had to understand? Whenever we have matches, you started ignore me as well as my Feelings. You started talking with me like a team mate even after we are behind cameras and medias. You talk with me like a bowling partner and I notice the conversation between us remains the same as we started at practice session EVEN WE FOUND EACH OTHER ALONE," Stuart shouts loudly and tears fall from his eyes. Jimmy puts his hand on his shoulder and told him to calm down and says "Relax Stu." 'STU'- That name. How much Stuart loves to hear from Jimmy's soft tone. But he hasn't heared since they Came. "You need to calm down. Don't shout. Listen, I was  a little bit busier with some stuffs. You are right, I couldn't give you much time. I am sorry. You know a thing. I gifted you a Watch and I wrote there 'I am Sorry. Can you please forgive me?' But I did not give you that letter cause I know you are not gonna forgive me easily. But I actually wanted to gift you your favourite Watch. Tell me a thing, Did you love it?" Jimmy asks eagerly. Stuart is staring at him with tearful eyes. Jimmy wiped his tears with his soft hand, Stuart nothing but Feels it. "I made you cry, I am sorry, Stu," Jimmy begs emotionally. "It's alright Jimmy. And yes, I loved that watch soo much. I guessed somehow you gave it to me. I am happy you actually did," Stuart smiles and says. He doesn't know Jimmy misses his smile so much. Jimmy Hugs him tightly and smiles back. Stuart holds him, pulls him into his chest tightly. Yes, Jimmy loves to feel his breathing. He understands, it beats fast, whenever Jimmy hugs him. And yes, that Feeling is amazing. "Just Don't ignore me. It's okay if you have less time for me when we have matches. But just don't ignore me. You know it hurts me the most," Stuart requests him and give a kiss on his shoulder. Holds his hand tightly, knows that time he desperately needs him. "I WILL NOT, promise," Jimmy says with a Breath.

Stuart looks down, knows Jimmy is only 6 ft 2 as he is 6 ft 6. Jimmy's eyes are still closed. "I Love you, Jimmy," Staurt says mindly, emotionally. Jimmy's eyes opened, they both locked their eyes with each-others. But as told before, Jimmy can't hold his eyes longer. Jimmy shyed, moves his eyes from Stuart's. Looks down, says, "I love you more." Stuart smiles, noticing how Jimmy's cheek turns into Red. Stuart hugs him again. He lay down having Jimmy on his chest. He knows, Jimmy rarely sleep in a pillow rather than his chest.
And yes, Jimmy loves that moment with him soo much.

"So, who wins?" Stuart says jokely. "YOU," Jimmy answers softly. Stuart laughs. "So, was my celebration correct?" Stuart asks sillily. "Yeah was," Jimmy says as he is not in a mood talking about these. "Soooo, where is my Trophy?" Stuart asks with an another intention. "TROPHY?" Jimmy asks shockedly. "Don't say you didn't catch?" Stuart says. "Oh Stu, let me sleep," Saying that Jimmy gives a kiss on his cheek. Stuart loves it for now, let him sleep. Holds him tightly, puts blanket on him gently. "Nights are short with you," Stuart thinks again gives a kiss on Jimmy's forehead. Closed eyes and keeps feeling every moments with Jimmy.

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