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Root gives Jimmy his keys. Jimmy takes it. "Have you talked with him?" Root asks. "No, not yet." "Why?" "Cause he was a little but disappointed and if I get time I will," Jimmy says. "Alright," Root tells to him, "Go and take Rest. See yah tomorrow." "Good night," Jimmy says.

Jimmy unlocked the door. Enters and paused. He expected someone who isn't there. He puts his bags on the table and gets out from the room. He found Stokes and he asks, "Hey, Stokes! Do you know where is Stuart?" "Ahh! Yeah! His room is besides mine. Maybe his room number is 309," Stokes says. "Ah! Okay. Thanks," Jimmy says. "Yeah, no need," Stokes says and gets into his own Room with Root. Jimmy is standing alone at the corridor, "Everyone staying with two-beds room and with each-other. But why Stuart is staying single, damn! He is too much," Jimmy says irritatedly.

Jimmy is sitting on his bed with an off face. Looks at the Clock says, "I do not sleep early." He is getting bored and bored. Counting times, somewhere wished, if Stuart comes in cause he left the door unlocked. But the Door hasn't opened yet. "You know I am much Emotional," Jimmy is saying staring at the door, "And if you don't come, I will start crying."

On the other hand, Stuart is trying to sleep but he couldn't. Again and again, He keeps putting his hand on the pillow next to him with his eyes closed. Whenever he found nothing, he opened his eyes, thinks, "How can I forget Jimmy isn't here?" Keep breathing, thinks, "why he isn't coming." Smiles, thinks again, "You are happy without me, aren't you?" Stuart keeps all the hopes in him. "You might know, I can't sleep with heavy heart, you might know, Jimmy."

Both of them keep waiting for each other. But none of them intended to go. Both were spended the night alone. "Why the night looks cruel without YOU?" the last sentence Stuart says before fall asleep.

In the Morning, Jimmy found the breakfast table without Stuart. "He woke up early, had his breakfast and left for last day," Bairstow says when he saw Jimmy comes downstairs. "Had he any work?" Jimmy frowned and asks. "Maybe Not," he says. "So why he left early?" Jimmy asks again. "Why are you asking me? You should know..." "No, there is a DISTACNE between them as well as a misunderstanding," Root cutts Bairstow off. "Oh! Shut up, Root. He has his own Demand and I do not Care. Just ignore it," Jimmy says. "Oh, I see," Bairstow says. Root nothing but chuckled again knows that his chuckle made Jimmy irritated. Jimmy is hurrying to finish his break fast.

After waering his Practice Dress and Hoddie, Jimmy also left for Day 05. He went to a Shop before getting himself on the field. He wanted to buy a gift for Stuart. And yes, he bought a 'ROLEX' watch. He closes his eyes, Thought, Stuart would love this. Gives a sweet smile. His Smile, the most valuable thing for Broad. Cause Stuart rarely found one.

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