Chapter 1 - Mr. Itto

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5 year before present day...

Jackson didn't care for that smell of smoke and sweat as he walked aside "Mr. Big Shot" over here. He glanced to his side; he had an escort job for this guy covered head to toe in fur and shine. 

Jackson unprofessionally scratched the underside of his arm and then stretched them by swinging them front to back impatiently. 

"Mr. Itto," a ticked voice to the side of him snarled through his teeth quietly.

Jackson glanced to his side his chin in the air still and smiled, "Whattsup?" He can feel the patience rubbing off of this man by his mere presence.

"No wonder people treat you like a dog when you act like one. Get it together, or the deals off," the mans scratchy but high voice warned him. 

Jackson's lips went to a frown, maybe he shouldn't test this guy too much. He needs to get paid at the end of the night, or this would be all a waste. He set his hands rested behind his back as the men found their way to the front where their company was waiting. 

He turned his back from the guy he was escorting and looked throughout the bar. His eyes glazed over drunk men and woman both trying to get something out of one another, and he spotted a familiar guy.

Unfortunately he spotted Jackson too.

"Hot damn..of course it had to be today, right now, at this moment that your little ass appears," Jackson groans to himself and books it; ignoring Mr. Big Shot screaming at him to get back to his post. 

He immediately went out the emergency exit that went into the allies instead of the street, luckily the closest one to him. As he got out the door, instead of immediately running, he stood behind the door for a second and knocked it into the chasing man's face. 

"FUCK!" the man shouted in pain as Jackson took that moment to return to running down the alleyway doing the silent screaming giggle.

"First he making me run not only in a suit but in one that isn't even mine," Jackson skidded around a corner and came to a stop when he almost passed two dumpsters. His face immediately changed to a child's evil smile before a stupid idea.  

The man with a huge bruise on his face turned the corner a second later and threw his wallet on the ground and shouted every profanity in the book when Jackson disappeared. He grabbed the wallet and tried to "pursue" Jackson out in the street.

Jackson was indeed not out in the street but was sitting crouched down in the dumpster holding in his giggle.


"You smell like shit," Boyoung bluntly tells a snickering Jackson eating lemon bread.

Jackson was sitting on the ground sitting crisscrossed behind the counter picking away at his bread wearing a shitty suit and a shit eating grin. "Well to be honest--" Jackson laughed in the middle of chewing slightly coughing on his bread, "it was much funner than running into the street."

"One, funner isn't a word and two," she pauses and throws a towel at Jackson making him drop his bread on the floor, "please take a shower." Boyoung tried keeping a stern face but cracked a giggle when she turned. 

Jackson quickly grabbed the remaining of his bread off the ground and shoved it into his mouth saying 'five second roll'  before going upstairs.

Boyoung lived in one of those local stores where the owner lived on the upper level of the store, and she loved it. Since they became friends, she always let him come over whenever he needed. In his opinion, she was way too nice to him. No matter how many times he said he was fine; she kept on grabbing small necessities for him that he usually doesn't have access to without a proper house.

He stuck the towel around his waist and stuck the suit in the washer, tore the hairband out his hair, peeled the old cigarette patch off his arm, and hopped in the shower. It might take more than one shower to fully get rid of the stench that was stuck to him.

"I switched the laundry over for you J! I folded some clothes that are too big for me outside the washroom door." Boyoung shouted as he was in the middle of drying himself off. "I doubt you want to get back into that suit, even if it is clean!"

"You didn't have to but thank you Bo!" Jackson shouted back. "And you're absolutely right!" He stuck an arm out and grabbed the pile of clothes and got dressed quickly to have a girls night with her. 

"I'm starting to think you bought this for me, this is suspiciously my size," Jackson says walking out the restroom with short sleeved and short silk PJ set. 

Boyoung slapped her hand on her mouth letting out an ugly laugh, "I swear I didn't but my god those don't suit your 'manly' look you got going there bud."

"What the fuck..I look sexy I have no clue what your talking about," he responded with a fake offended look and sat next to her on the couch. 

Boyoung handed a book to him once he was situated, "Since you didn't get to go to the library these past few days, I brought it here." It was a book that he was currently studying whenever he had time to stop by the library. He was studying Korean since Boyoung was originally born there, and he wanted to surprise her.

Jackson lit up and grabbed her shoulder shaking it aggressively, "Dude! I owe you so much."

Boyoung snorted, "No you don't I've never seen someone so excited to study. Anyways use your left hand to hold that and read because tonight is nail painting."

The rest of the night was Boyoung painting his nails then dragging him away from the book to have watch a movie. Although halfway through, Jackson fell asleep hogging the entire couch. He was lying on his side and his head was resting on his hand. Boyoung who was sitting right next to him took out her phone and grabbed his hand that was hanging off the edge of the couch and set it on the couch before taking a pic of him.

It showed the nails and the top of his head but not his face. She captioned it "The manliest spa night" and posted it on Insta. She set her phone back down and fell asleep sitting upright and leaning against her arm.

Her phone buzzed with the notification going off:

"So when's your flight?"


Please don't take Jackson's and Boyoung's relationship as romance. They are best friends and just that. Neither of them are attracted to each other.

This is also, so far planned, a slower paced book. It might take longer for the main character to actually meet SKZ so be warned.

ALSO that is my art please dont steal it LMFAO

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