Out of the Hospital

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It's been a few days since I woke up from my coma. I still refuse to believe that I was in it for four months, but okay? I have been getting used to walking again and Eddie has been with me every step of the way, literally. I can finally get out of the hospital. Eddie brings me out to his van after we fill out some paperwork. 

"What do you remember, (Y/n)?"

I look over at Eddie, "his voice and telling me it will all be over soon. I was so scared, Eddie."

He sighs and holds my hand, "you are okay now, my love," he goes quiet for a minute like he is debating something "it's amazing that you and the baby are still here. Your heart stopped for a minute."

I grip his hand tightly and lay my head back while looking out the window.

"Did anything change," I ask not looking away from the window.

"Yeah, your parents moved out officially, I have all your things in my camper because they completely got rid of your house and are rebuilding it."

I nod and sigh while feeling Eddie grip my hand.

"You can stay with me in the camper, baby. After a while we can move and get our own house and get married. We can live with the baby and be a happy family."

I smile and look over at Eddie who is already looking at me. We pull up to his camper and he helps me out of the van.

"Four more months, my love. Our baby will be here in four months."

We walk inside and I go to Eddies room which now has some of my things all over. My guitar is on the wall next to Eddies, some posters of mine are on Eddie's wall, my clothes are in his drawers. I walk into the bathroom and see all my things.

"I know it's very early but if you go into the connecting room then you can see what I made," Eddie smiles clearly proud of himself.

I open the door and I see a wooden crib with the walls painted a light blue color.

"I forgot to say, when you first got to the hospital, they had to do tests on you and turns out, we are having a boy!"

I walk over to Eddie, and I hug him tightly. I love this man so much; he makes me the happiest I've ever been. I feel him hug me back and kiss the top of my head softly.

"I love you."

"I love you more, sweetheart."

i believe you // Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now