I met the bad boy because of math

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Is there anything we humans hate more then math?

No, there probably isn't, but then again we're all different in some way, so some of us probably have something other then math to hate... Like clowns. I used to have a friend that's scared of them and hates them from depths of her soul.

So, that aside.

You're probably wondering why did I chose math out of all things in this world to start this rant with? Because math led to one thing that led to yet another thing and so it led to me meeting the worst of my all nightmares: a human boy.

Now, I get it that you're also wondering things like 'Hold on, aren't you a human, too?', and to answer that question, I am... But I do not socialize with human beings thus you can understand where is this coming from. They will betray you, and if you ask me, humanity shouldn't even be classified as the mammals. Why?

Definition of mammals claims that they are species that adapt to their surroundings without disturbing the nature while we inhabit some place, change it precisely the way we want, and destroying the very same nature that existed until we get what we want.

Then we continue until there's nothing left, so if you ask me, we're not the mammals. We are something much worse by this description: a viruse.

But enough with my hatred towards human race, we have a huge problem here called math.

M. A. T. H.

Like 'mental abuse to humans'... Oh darn, I just admitted that I'm one. Lemme explain how this works.

Math has an lovely thing called "y" which is like a pretty romantic guy eternally looking for his "x" I believe you're all met with. Now, if the quest included dragons and witches... Some adventure at all, I'd gladly help Y find her, but the satanic wizard that stole X had found a much worse way to torture an try our innocent hearts: calculating!

Like seriously dude, don't break someone's heart and soul, they only have one... Try with their bones instead, I mean, we have 200 something of them... Just not femur, that one is a damn hard to repair.

Back to my topic, what I'm doing right now is breaking down completely trying to find an answer to the last question of my test. You may say: "Hey, that's not bad at all!" but trust me, when you finish your whole test in 20 minutes and then are trying to solve one freaking problem for the remaining 25 minutes, you kind of do break.

"Dammit!" someone yelled. Poor that someone, he or she'll be doomed by profesor Wizard's assistant. I rose my head to see who is the genius that snapped in the end only to meet by every single pair of eyes in this classroom staring down at me. And then it hit me, I'm the one that snapped... Shut!

"Umm," I started unsure as profesor rose his eyebrow at me. He was hot, thought... To bad I don't mingle with my species.

"I believe that you should visit the principal." he said as my jaw hit the floor. No, this can't be happening! Never in my life did I for those 17 years of experience get the curse to go to the principal.

"I apologize, just don't..." I tried, but he brushed me off.

"I do not appreciate the cursing in my class, Miss. Anna, please excuse yourself. I believe you know where to go?" he said and I nodded not being able to clearly think of what have I done. I'd probably get my first detention!

First! In like ever! Do you know how weird and wrong that is?! Me, the quiet and shy girl no one liked got the chance to go to the principal, snapped in front of teacher while doing a damn test. That was the first, definitely the first. I can already see the halls full with people talking about what I did, but it's not like I cared. Their opinion meant nothing to me.

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