Prolouge - Analysis, Application, Accomplishment

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"So, Cabby, I've read your application to join my show, and I have news for you..." the voice spoke through my phone as I nervously responded with a "Shoot me with that news, phone guy..!"

I've taken quite an interest in this show, Inanimate Insanity, for a while now, first with making predictions on certain events and analysing certain patterns of viewer voting, to analyzing the people competing in the show itself! It's just so fascinating to see how patterns tend to repeat itself over and over again until something or someone breaks that chain.

So, I thought to better analyze the show and its people, I compete in the show itself! Which brings me here, waiting for the one and only Mephone4 himself to announce my big day- or not... depending on what he says about my application.

"I would say no to your application, you seem way to smart to compete... but I'm just so impressed you know all this stuff... and I thought I knew my own show better than anybody else, so YOU. ARE. IN!"

I widened my eyes at the news, I honestly wasnt expecting to actually be able to compete! (Well, I like to humble about it at least.) So I may or may not have done some wacky fist pump for accomplishing my first step into fully analyzing this reality show that I love.

"YES! Thank you so much, Mephone! I wont let you down!"

I hear a scoff on the other side.

"You should say that to your future teammates and not let them down, I personally dont care abou- I mean.. I think they would appreciate that more than I would."

And there goes another pattern! Mephone showing little to no regard for his contestants. But in all honesty, I dont exactly have the best liking for Mephone4. I'm certain he is a nice guy outside the competition, but if you want to host a game show, at least treat your contestants even just a little bit better!

With that, Mephone ended the call, and I set my phone down on the table.

I'm so pumped to meet everybody on that island! I can share all of my knowledge with them, and even impress them by how much I know about them! I can already predict my new friends just by looking back at my writings of certain contestants with similar interests!

Gosh, I'm so excited!

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