Prologue (Giana)

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Giana had just gotten off the plane. Her plan was plain and simple. Get away from Long Island. And from the destruction she had caused. From the place she knew she couldn't go again, because she had destroyed it.

She couldn't shake the feeling she would be getting more then she had bargained for here, but that's what drew her here. She was in Paris, the most romantic city in the world. She didn't believe in true love. Not after what happened when she was younger.

Her brain shook out of the memory of what had happened back in the "greatest city in the world." That's what she's heard New York referred to as anyways.

"New City, new you. Fresh start, you've got this." The black haired girl took a breath in. The city was truly breathtaking to her. She was headed to Montmartre, a mainly bohemian village inside. She started to run, feeling like something was following her. She knew there wasn't anything, but a demigod could never be too safe.

Especially when you're a child of Poseidon. Even in her 'disguise' of a head of black hair, jeans, a white shirt under a blue, leather jacket and black nails, she couldn't ever look back.

In her haste of making sure that she wasn't being followed, she forgot to look ahead to see a stranger inside her new city. Her first thoughts were that he didn't look bohemian. She kept that to herself. She took note he just came out of a house from the small bit she saw. More specifically the one she bumped into him in front of. Probably his house, she noted mentally. There was no doubt in her mind that she wasn't attracted to him, but he also had a strange look behind him. Almost like he was being haunted by something. Just like her...

"I'm sorry," he apologized politely, lending her a hand to get up. She took it, her eyes zooming anywhere but his face. Surely, it was a trick. She wasn't used to strangers being this kind. 'He wouldn't be this kind to you if he knew.' She reminded herself inside her own thoughts.

"I'm Christan Wynters by the way, who are you?" He didn't seem weirded out, but more confused by this behavior.

Instead of answering, Giana quickly said "it's nice to meet you," her face being covered by her hair. "I have to go," she said suddenly, even surprising herself. "It was a pleasure." In her haste, she didn't notice she had dropped her most important object to her. Instead, she heard his attractive voice call out "Wait!" But she didn't hear anymore. She didn't want to either.

She quickly felt around her neck, meaning to fidget with her locket like she usually does, but finds it missing. She started to panic and let one tear slip, before taking a deep breath. "Not important...." She muttered, noticing she'd made it to her new house finally. "Later."

She then entered her new house. It was fairly empty, but she sat on the floor, cradling herself. "I need to find it," she mumbled, "for you." She cradled herself, taking deep breaths. "And nothing will keep me down now...not anymore."

What's Love Got to Do with It? (Christan; Moulin RougeWhere stories live. Discover now