Finally, she got up and headed to the shared bathroom between Tori's and Trina's bedrooms. There were towels everywhere and the area by the sinks was a mess. 'Has to be that skank, Trina,' Jade decided. She knew Tori was never this disorderly.


"Then, I came in, yelled for you and started searching. And I find you here." Jade looked around at the large bathroom - complete with two sinks, a walk-in shower, a smaller room with the toilet and the large tub they were sharing. "Nice bathroom, by the way..."

"It's my parents. They're already in San Diego for a police seminar and a mini-vacation."

Jade's smile grew, "Sooo...we're on our own? It's a three-day weekend…"

"Yeah. And we have the house to ourselves. At least 'til Trina gets home."

Jade's foot started to caress the outside of Tori's thigh, "Mmm...silky smooth...'

Tori took a shuddering breath. Outside of the heated kisses they've shared, this was the most intimate contact they'd shared.

Tori was dying to ask about Jade coming out to her parents but she knew it was a sensitive topic. She and Jade discussed it after school yesterday at Nozu then downstairs in the living room. Jade said she was going to confront her homophobic parents about she and Tori. Before Tori could ask, she told her girlfriend, "I'll call you afterwards."

Tori wasn't about to bring it up.


"So... So, Jade..."

"Before you ask, Vega, I didn't talk to them. They weren't home. Dear old Dad took Mom and the brat to Vegas for the weekend. Kid's not even old enough to walk through a casino..."

"Well, Circus-Circus has all sorts of arcade stuff. And Caesar's has the Forum Shops... Or they could go see a show like Cirque du So..."

Jade slid down a bit into the water as her toe came out of the foam and pressed Tori's lips, shushing her. "Quiet. Don't know. Don't care."

Tori smiled at her partially sunken girlfriend and lightly kissed the pad of Jade's toe.

"Figured you for a bath person. Fits your girlie...everything," Jade smirked. "Kinda like Cat."

Tori scowled across the tub at Jade. "Oh, but you're not? You're not a bath person with your cute little butt in my bubble bath?"

"I do have a cute butt. Thanks for noticing. Anyway, I haven't taken a bath since I was five."

"Good thing you don't sweat then... Oh, right, you do now..."

"Never speak of..."

"...It again. I know the drill," Tori chuckled.

Jade just glared at her. Then her eyes closed, her face softened and a small smile played across her lips as she leaned her head back. "But I can kinda see the attraction..."

"Of sweating?" Tori teased.

Jade merely glared across the mounds of bubbles. Then she closed her eyes again and leaned her head back against the side of the tub.

On an impulse, Tori slowly rose out of the water and crossed the tub. She turned and lowered herself between Jade's legs.

Feeling the water move, Jade opened her eyes in time to see Tori's bare, foam-speckled back just as the brunette settled against her. 'Damn, I missed a chance to see Tori naked. Again...'

For a quick moment, Jade's thoughts flew back to an earlier time, before she could admit she even liked the girl laying so comfortably against her, much less admit she loved her.

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