The older wrapped his arms around the smaller male, times like this made Minho hate himself for not confessing sooner. He wants to stay in this moment forever.

He began humming a soft tune until he heard mumbling.

Minho couldn't really understand since the other's face was literally buried into his chest. He leaned his head down a little and questioned.

" What was that?"

The mumbling was a little louder but Minho couldn't hear a damn thing, so he grabbed the other's shoulders and pulled him off of him.

"  What do you want Jisung," the older male asked a little louder.

" I want you to make love to me," Jisung snapped at the older with a bright red face.

Jisung's heart was racing and felt like his heart was beating out of his chest but he kept this stern face. Minho on the other hand just blinked and just said.

" Okay."

And right after that, the rest was history.

Minho smirked at the memory, he enjoyed every second of last night's adventure. He wished he could relive it since well, this is their 'first time' while being sober so it was extra special.

He looked down and he saw the younger's face, he was still sleeping. His face looks calm and he didn't look like this feisty squirrel that he's used to. He actually looked so mellow and angelic.

Plus his cheeks looked soft as always, but one of them was pressed on his chest and the younger was basically using him as a pillow. Then he realized he was totally shirtless underneath and so was Jisung, he could feel the other's heart beating on top of his chest.

He didn't mind at all, this is the most peaceful he has ever seen the other before and if he's the cause of it, he'll make sure he stays in peace.

" Is he awake?"

" I don't know, I thought he was."

Minho's eyes widen when he heard those voices, he looked up and he saw everyone, except for Chan, staring at him like some sort of animal.

He saw Felix practically bouncing up and down while the others stared at them with confusion.

" Huh, who knew Jisung would actually look at peace," Changbin hummed.

" It's weird not seeing him being a nuisance," Hyunjin added with Jeongin nodding his head in agreement.

Minho glared at them, he wanted to yell but he remembered the younger male sleeping on his chest. He huffed before he whispered, " What the hell are you doing here?"

The others must not hear him because they still kept talking.

" I knew it was going to happen," Seungmin boasted.

Jeongin tsked as he wrapped his arms around Seungmin's shoulder, " Yeah right, I knew it was going to happen first."

" No you didn't, I was the one who told you."

Jeongin rolled his eyes then the prince tilted his head, " I never knew about this."

Changbin let out a chuckle," Well I knew, I knew something was happening when Ji told me they had sex in the barn."

Right after he said that he slapped his mouth and right when he was going to deny it, it was too late. The others gave him stares and Jeongin let out a disbelief laugh.

" Are you fucking serious!?"

" The barn," Hyunjin asked.

" That's fucking sick," Seungmin shook his head with disapproval.

// The Missing Prince // Hyunin ; JeongjinWhere stories live. Discover now