Personal message

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After the show ended I went to find Aleister to make sure he's Ok.

" hey Aleister how are you? Are you OK? I am so sorry I didn't want to give you the sailors fate but I had to"

" woah slow down I'm okay I'm fine and I know you didn't but it's fine"

" so you don't hate me and want to kick my ass in that ring? We are still friends"

" no I don't hate you or want to kick your ass in the ring and yeah we're still friends but I'm gonna head home I'm tired"

" okay night Aleister "

" Night kid"

After Aleister left I went back to Seth and we went home to Becky. That night I was laying in bed trying to sleep but all I could think was about Rey and his family are they OK how is Rey's eye eventually I fell asleep.

Next show

Tonight Seth has a message that he wants to deliver to Rey mysterio, Murphy and Austin theory have a match against Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo, I don't have to do anything But be with Seth tonight. Right now me,Seth,Murphy and Austin are stood backstage where Seth is shooting the segment of his personal message to Rey and as I stood here waiting I still can't help but think About Rey and wonder if he's okay after all this is the second show since the incident happened and we haven't heard anything maybe I will message Rey or someone from his family privately on Insta and check if he's okay. Before I could think any more about it my train of thought got broke by a crew member giving the signal for our cue

Once the segment ended we all made our way to the ring for Murphy and Austin's match against Aleister Black and Humberto Carrillo and I am not looking forward to watching this.

After theory and Murphy won Seth got them to get Humberto out of the Ring and by the steel steps and I had a bad feeling that I know what he is going to do.

" Seth what are you doing?"

" Seth!!"

I said as following but I got no reply as he carried on what he was doing. I stood there not knowing what to do then when they dropped Humberto and walked away i followed. We went to sit in our locker room to watch the rest of the show and as being there I decided to Dm Dominik Rey's son to see how Rey is. Just as i finished Sending my Dm to Dominik I looked at the screen to see the IICONICs in the ring and they got interrupted by Alexa bliss and Nikki Cross so I watched open the  IICONICs will beat the crap out of Alexa bliss.

And just as I hoped the IICONICs attacked Alexa and Nikki and as watching Alexa get the crap beat out of her I didn't realise I had a big smile appear on my face.



Hey guys Dominik will be in the next part which will be out tomorrow. Enjoy.

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