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Y/n pov

It's the next day all week I have been asking Seth why he did what he did to Rey but he wouldn't tell me he would just change the subject he wouldn't even tell Murphy.

I feel so bad for Rey because not only did he have to go through the physical pain of having that done to him but he had to go through the pain of knowing his family were sat at home helplessly watching him get His eye put through the corner of the steel steps. Me and Seth and about to leave to go to the arena to meet up with Murphy for tonight as I am waiting for Seth to finish getting his stuff I decide I will ask Seth about the whole Rey thing One more Time even though I know I will get the same respond as all the other times I have asked him

" hey Seth?"


" I know you probably don't want to talk about it but I need to know why did you do that to Rey?"

I was expecting him to change the subject but instead he answered with

" you will find out tonight"

And with that he walked off to the car

Time skip

Once We finally got to the arena we met up with Murphy and I was walking with Murphy we were talking about everything that happened last time on raw and trying to find a reason to Seth doing what he did.

" OK so I have been asking him all Week but not getting anything he just kept changing the subject until right before we came here instead of saying nothing or changing the subject he said wait and find out tonight so he has something planned for tonight"

" he won't tell me anything either so I guess we will have to wait and see are you ready for your match tonight though"

" yeah I can't wait to get in the ring and beat the crap out of Natalya how about you are you ready for your match tonight against Humberto Carrillo "

" Oh yeah I'm gonna kick his ass. Oh and by the way congrats on becoming an auntie"

" thanks at least one good thing happened last week can't believe Becky's pregnant and I can't wait for Becky to have a bump"

" so what are you going to do now we've still got a few hours until the show starts"

" well I'm going to go to a empty hall and sing for a bit then start warming up and get changed ready to go out to the ring"

" OK see you in a bit"


I walked away and found a dark hall that was empty so I went down and got comfy and sat there singing for a while until I had a hour to get ready to go out with Seth and Murphy so I made my way to hair and make up to get ready.

Time skip

Now I'm ready and I'm with Murphy listening to hear what Seth has to say about the whole Rey situation.

After Seth said what he had we went backstage and waited until it was time for my match.

Hey guy I hope you are enjoying this story so far and let me know if you think the chapters are too short and you want them longer or if they are fine .

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