👋Meeting For Real👋

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Atsumu woke up to the sound of talking, bags, and some sort of spray sound. He slowly sat up while rubbing his eyes. He opened his eyes to see Komori getting sprayed with something by Sakusa. "..You guys are weird." Atsumu stood up and wobbled to his bag. Grabbing some clothes and checking the time. "AH! SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHIT. SHITT! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" Atsumu slipped on the floor as he ran to the bathroom.
"Speaking of being late...we gotta go or else we'll be late to the 'meeting'." Sakusa picked up his bag and started walked to get his phone. "We can be a bit late ya know. Aunt Shika(made up name and from what I found means 'Gentle Deer') has an interview." Komori grabbed his bag leaning on his side. "She'll smack us if we're late, and you know I can leave you here course I have the keys." Sakusa opened the door he was about to walk out when he got pushed by Atsumu. "Sorry!" Atsumu turned and ran backwards than turned back around after a few seconds. "Damn. I guess he was really in a hurry.." Komori slipped passed Sakusa and kept walking. Sakusa slowly followed behind.




Sakusa parked the car before pressing a button to unlock the doors. Komori quickly jumped out of the car and ran to the door of a huge building. He stopped waiting for his cousin to join him. Once Sakusa was at the door they walked inside. "I think this place got..bigger." Komori swag his head around the whole place. "If you're that confused my mother sent me what floor her office is on." Sakusa walked over the the huge elevators and turned his head to look at Komori telling him to press the buttons. After Komori finally pressed the buttons they waited forever in the elevator to get to the fifth floor. "This place is..disgusting." Sakusa moved out if the elevator. "That's because there was a lot of people in the elevator you idiot!" Komori was about to hit Sakusa but got interrupted. "Kiyoomi!!" A tall woman with dark hair ran over and hugged Sakusa aka Kiyoomi. "Mother..I love you and all but get. Your. Nasty. Body. Off. Me." The woman backed off laughing a bit. "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE!?" Everyone's attention turned to Komori who was pointing at someone. When Sakusa turned his head he saw the blonde..Then Sakusa realized he never got his name. "You guys have met..?" Shika turned to the blonde. "Uh yeah.. Only he knows my name though." Atsumu pointed back to Komori. "That's okay..let's talk about more important matters.. in my office follow me." Shika started walking away from the little group bus as seconds passed they slowly followed after her. They made some turns but finally she stopped in front of a door. Shika opened it and walked in waiting for everyone else to follow. Once the door shut the atmosphere changed quickly from calm to serious. "Kiyoomi. You will be taking Atsumu Miya into your group, and you know what I mean." Shika sat in her chair behind a desk looking at Sakusa. "That means you guys gotta tell the other your name.." Komori facepalmed. Atsumu turned his whole body to Sakusa and bowed remembering he doesn't like germs. "I'm Atsumu Miya. It's a pleasure to be working with you." Sakusa watched him stop bowing and look at him straight in his eyes. He didn't notice before but Atsumu has Honey colored eyes. Sakusa snapped out of his thoughts and introduced himself. "I'm Kiyoomi Saksua." Komori walked closer to Atsumu. "You look exactly like someone I've seen before but with different hair.." Komori started zoning out to think. "You must've seen my brother before. We're actually twins." Atsumu put a thumbs up to Komori. "He's too lost of thought. Anyways mother does that mean I have to take him with me back to Tokyo..?" Saksua pointed at Atsumu making a disgusted face. But Sakusa noticed how he wasn't actually disgusted at him at all. It didn't make any sense. "Sort of.. He'lol be riding with Komori everywhere, but then you guys are in Tokyo he'll be with you." Shika got up and put some plane tickets on her desk and walked out of her office saying nothing else. Sakusa looked at the tickets to see they where tickets for Tokyo that where scheduled for tomorrow. "Great we came all this way the leave after one day.." Saksua grabbed the tickets. "We'll have to stay in that hotel again, but this time we're getting more than one room." He walked out Atsumu put Komori on his back and followed Sakusa making Komori snap out of his thoughts.






807 words Including this.
Sorry for any mistakes and my horrible writing!

Didn't go as planned..Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon