Saving you from Vecna

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   Songs to listen to:
Pour some sugar on me- Def Leppard
Skyfall- Adele
No time to die- Billie Eilish

   I walk in to Eddie's trailer. It was a Saturday evening and his uncle had already left for work. I walk in to the sound of Eddie blasting music so loud it almost made me deaf. The song was "Pour some sugar on me" by Def Leppard. I only knew this song a bit because I heard it on the radio a couple times. I walk in to see him digging a shirt out of his drawer. He didn't realize I was there. He was in his room with a pair of black jeans on and no shirt. It was quite the sight. I decided to sneak up behind him. I crept up and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his cheek.

  He spun around. Kissing me on the lips. "You scared me sweetheart." He said. I laughed. "Nice music." I said. "You like it?" He asked taking my hands. He starts to swing them lightly. "I do t really know this song." I say. He jumps back shocked (think hellfire scene) he walks over to the record player and restarts the song. "Well, I guess I'll just have to show you. He says taking my hands again and twirling me around. We do that for the remainder of the song. And I've loved that so g ever since.

——————— MONTHS LATER (narrator pov)———————

"WE NEED MUSIC, QUICK" Steve shouts. You have been taken by Vecna. However, you never had a favourite song, so your friends were struggling to save you.

  "EDDIE IS THERE ANY SONG THAT SHE LIKED THAT HAD ANY SORT OF CONNECTION TO A MEMORY." Robin asked. Eddie tried to think, then it came to him. He ran to his room and grabbed the Def Leppard cassette and headphones. "HERE" he yelled putting the headphones on you.

  Vecna had his hand up to your face. You couldn't do anything but panic. You were stuck. You had lost all hope... until you heard something. You managed to turn your head to look at a large void that opened in the distance, you could see Eddie and the gang trying to wake you up. You realized you could hear the song that you and Eddie danced to that night. The memory flashed in your mind. The feeling of Eddie's hands in yours. The loud music echoing through your ears. Then you broke free.

  "COME ON SWEETHEART I NEED YOU." Eddie shouted tearfully. You could hear him as well, you pulled yourself up off the ground and ran as fast as your legs could carry you. When you reached the void you jumped. Then you snapped back into consciousness. Gasping in horror.

  "Holy shit (Y/N) I thought I lost you." Eddie sobbed taking you into his arms tightly. You could do nothing but say "I'm here." Trying to comfort not only Eddie but yourself as well. "I love you. Please don't leave me again." Eddie said.

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