Argument pt 2

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Songs to listen to;

Afterglow- Taylor Swift
If this was a movie- Taylor Swift
Water Under The Bridge- Adele
Deep end- Birdy
Burning House- Cam
Story Of Us- Taylor Swift

It was two days later. Still no word from Eddie. I was really worried now. At first I just thought that it was just a heat of the moment thing and it would blow over the next day. But it didn't, and that scared me. I thought things would be fine by now. I wasn't completely giving up hope, however I didn't have much left. I've spent the last two days crying and I'm a mess. I haven't had the strength to even tell anyone what happened. Not even my Nancy or Robin. But today I want to tell them, just so I can at least have someone to help me through it. So I called Robin.

"Robin, Eddie broke up with me." I said, my voice cracked as I finished the sentence.

"HE WHAT!?!? (Y/N) what happened? Actually, don't tell me yet I'm coming over." She said, then hung up. About ten minutes later I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and to my joy, it was Robin. Before she said a word she pulled me in to a tight hug. I just broke down again.

"Oh my god (Y/N) I'm so sorry." She seemed genuinely upset for me.

I explained to her what happened. She was at the party so she knew how upset I was when he didn't show. I just remember her pulling me into the bathroom because she knew something was wrong.

"Well, I feel like you should just try and talk to him. But, if you're not ready yet, then don't rush into it." She was making me feel better. She always did that. However, I don't know if I have the courage to talk to him.

————————-A few hours later———————

Robin went home. I spent an hour thinking about what she said. I decided to go to mine and Eddie's spot in the woods by the school. I think in the back of my mind I hoped he would be there too. So I put on my shoes and went.

I got to the school and hesitated before getting out of my car. One part of me wanted him to be here, but another part was scared to death he would be. I walked to the spot. No one was there. I sat at the picnic table. I put my head in my hands.

"Shit, what have I done." I whisper, trying to hold back even more tears. I couldn't believe this was happening. If I had just left it it would have been fine.

"You did nothing sweetheart." I heard a voice say. I gasped and whipped my head around. He was there. standing in front of a tree. He looked uneasy. So did I. I was happy to see him, but also scared shitless.

"Eddie I-" I didn't know what to say or where to start. It's hard when you don't know where you stand with someone.

"Hey, you don't need to apologize, this was my fault. I just didn't want to accept the fact that I didn't have a good excuse." He said looking down at the ground. I was speechless.

"You don't have to forgive me but, I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry." He looked at me, I could tell he was trying not to cry. I still said nothing. Instead I just ran and wrapped my arms around him. He returned the gesture.

"I love you Eddie." I choked.

"I love you too, more than you'll ever know." He whispered. All was well. He came back.

Eddie Munson one shots <3Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα