Chapter 1 - The beginning

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I woke up this morning with a pounding headache and thought to myself what happened last night, I grunted as I got up to go get ready for the day when I realized that I wasn't at my house. Where the hell am I? I thought to myself as I went to look around the unfamiliar house, I went down the stairs to see Max, Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Will and El all watching tv in the living room. Max turned her head towards me and said "finally your awake" as she rolled her eyes "what happened?" I said "well last night you were supposed to be babysitting us but you got in a fight and well kinda lost" said Dustin "who was I even fighting?" I asked genuinely curious "My brother" said Will, I probably looked like an idiot because of the way they were looking at me, after I got a hold of myself again I asked a question "seriously. I lost against Jonathan?" "Yep" said Lucas "You got in a fight over something stupid" said El. They explained what happened that night and I soon understood what fully happened.
I was outside smoking a cigarette and that's when Jonathan drove up with Nancy in his car, Nancy probably just forgot something at home but when Jonathan saw me smoking he got annoyed because I wasn't inside with the kids. Nancy ran up to her room to grab her things and that's when we started arguing "Are the kids inside?" Asked Jonathan "yeah, why?" I asked him "I'm just wondering why you aren't inside with them, aren't you the babysitter after all?" Jonathan said with a change of tone in his voice. "Well yeah but I'm just taking a break-" I was trying to say but then got interrupted by Jonathan slamming me down against my car by my shoulder "What the hell!" I said while blushing a bit from embarrassment. "You shouldn't be taking 'breaks' when your babysitting." Jonathan said with an angry/annoyed tone to his voice. He grabbed my throat and started to squeeze making it difficult to breathe. That's when I realized I was getting hard. Oh shit. When Nancy came back out she saw me and Jonathan on the ground fighting, he was winning while I had blood coming out of my mouth as I grabbed my legs and clutched them against my stomach to try to deal with the pain coming from my head.


Hi! Hope you enjoyed :) (future parts will be longer)
Word count: 424

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