Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

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The next evening arrived earlier than anticipated.

Jeremiah had given her a driving lesson the day before and was about to head out for his afternoon shift at the country club. But before he could, Delilah stopped him and asked him if he would like to go with her to this charity event that a group of former debutantes were hosting in partnership with UNICEF. The purpose of the event was to collect funds to facilitate the construction of a school for disadvantaged children. Delilah became interested in the advertisement the moment she viewed it online. She didn't know anyone else who was going, so she didn't want to go alone.

Nobody was surprised when Jeremiah expressed considerable unwillingness to accept. This was especially true once he realized that because it was a formal ball-style event for adolescents, no alcohol was allowed. He would have to dress the part now as if going somewhere with a bunch of random debutantes wasn't horrible enough already.

But long story short - Delilah had managed to convince him.

Delilah was spending her time getting ready for the charity event, which was meant to start in less than a half-hour. Isabel sat against the frame of the girl's bed, smiling down at her phone. Delilah turned around to raise an eyebrow at the girl, picking up her hairbrush and quickly combing it through her brown hair. "Why are you smiling?"

Isabel rolled her eyes playfully at the obvious mischief lacing Delilah's voice. Instead, she turned off her phone and placed it on top of the bed. "That is for me to know and you to wonder about."

"Was it Cam Cameron?"

"First of all, that is not his name." Isabel laughed as she explained. The nickname sort of just stuck with the boy when he was first introduced to everyone, but he didn't mind. "And second of all, I'm smiling because he sent me a picture of his dog."

Delilah flung her hairbrush on her vanity before hopping into bed, oblivious to the fact that she was wrinkling her lovely dress, which she had purchased particularly for this occasion. "Show me!"

Isabel turned on her phone again and scrolled through the text messages before clicking on a photo attachment. In the picture was a small Yorkshire Terrier with fluffy fur and an adorable red bowtie. Delilah couldn't help but awe in admiration.

Just as Delilah was about to spend another second admiring the gorgeous puppy, Isabel abruptly shut off her phone. As she gazed at the other girl, her mouth was opened in surprise. "What? I wasn't done looking!"

"Yeah, but if you keep looking, you'll be late for the party."

Isabel shoved Delilah off the bed, almost knocking her down, but she managed to keep her balance. Before staggering into her wardrobe to retrieve her wedge heels, she just glared at the other girl, who smiled back at her innocently. She was never adept with actual heels, stumbling and falling all the time when she tried them on, but wedges were perfect for her feet. They had the appearance of normal flats at times.

"Why aren't you wearing any eyeliner, by the way?" When she returned from the closet, she heard the other girl's voice. Placing the shoes on her feet, she simply shrugged.

"I don't know how to."

"Want me to help?"

"You know how to apply eyeliner?" Delilah asked with mild surprise.

Isabel simply nodded and rose to her feet, walking over to the vanity to search the drawers for something. She rearranged everything, which may have resulted in shambles, but it all worked out in the end. When she eventually found the pencil eyeliner and lip gloss, she proudly displayed them in front of her.

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