Was he asking me out? It'd been a while since someone asked me out – since Theo asked me out. Reason flooded me as Javi stared with pleading eyes. He was shirtless, hot and nice smelling. I was with his dog on my lap, guilt on my heart and an engagement ring on my finger.

 "I can't, I have to... You know, work." I replied, but Javi's smile didn't fade.

 "Pero, you've brought so much stuff I doubt you won't stay long. You must have a day off, si?" He walked closer to the sofa, sitting by my side and pulling Marta to his lap "Slavery is not allowed here."

 Be reasonable Ananda...

 "Think about it." Javi scratched the back of his neck, picking up Marta. His biceps contracted, making his arm seem huge. Marta licked his shoulder blade and I never thought I'd want to be a dog, but on that moment... "If you need anything, I'll be next door."

 "Bye Javi" I gave him a light wave, trying to keep it casual.

 Javi Martínez – World Cup Winner – had just asked me out.

 "Adios Niña" He started to walk away and I had a strange feeling in my heart, like I had to do something...

 "Wait, Javi!" I got up quickly, my mind a bit dizzy "How about tomorrow night?"

 "Perfecto. Meet you in the corridor at nine." Javi gave a half smile, his door closing with a tump.

 I closed my eyes, my breath still uneven...

What was I thinking? What was I thinking? What was I thinking?

 I spent my first day off work – and my second day in sunny Bilbao – locked up inside a building, making conference calls, researching on the case and reading over the pile of papers that they gave me as soon as I arrived.

 Javi was right – slavery was not allowed in Spain, but so wasn't a proper lunch break. Good-bye delicious tapas and paellas: my first meal in Spain was a Cup Noodle.

 I left work at eight thirty PM sharp, still on a phone conference with Mrs. Pearl, feeling the desperate need to throw my body on bed and sleep until the apocalypse. Then I remembered my date with Javi...


 "Mrs. Pearl I gotta go bye!" I hung up the phone, hopping on a cab and sighing.

 I wore a halter dress with heels, my hair messed up on a bun and my make up all melted on my face. Awesome.

 I opened the flat door at eight forty and as soon as I got out the shower, my phone started to ring. Wrapped up on a fluffy white towel, I answered it while opening one of my bags, trying to find something to wear.

 "Hello?" Strapless red dress? Too sexy. Jeans with a dressy shirt? Too casual. Shit, shit, shit.

 "Hey babe, I've missed you!"  Guilt, remorse and a bit more of guilty flooded me. "I've called you a few times but you didn't pick up, I was worried."

 "Hi Theo" My voice came tiny as I put on an empire waist floral skirt "I'm sorry."

 "Nah, it's fine. You must be having a lot of work." He chuckled "So, what are you doing tonight?"

 I walked to the bathroom, getting my make up bag "Ahm, you know... I'm tired, so I'm gonna stay in... I need some rest." I looked at the watch. Eight fifty six. I had four minutes to get ready. Applying some blush and a coat of mascara, I listened to Theo talk about his training session.

 The doorbell rang and I suddenly felt a bit nervous.

 "What was that noise?" Theo asked wary "Was it a doorbell?"

 "It's on the TV. Some soup-opera is on." I replied quickly, opening the front door.

 It was Javi. He wore a black button up with dark jeans with a pair of blue sneakers, his hair was wet and his cheeks were flushed and when I looked to my chest, I realized why.

 I was so distracted with Theo, getting ready and lying that I was only wearing a bra and my skirt.

 "I gotta go." I muttered, hanging off and closing the door on Javi's embarrassed face.

 Should I hide my face inside a vase? Cross that. "Should I hop on the first plane back to England?" would be more appropriate.

 Putting on a cotton v-neck white shirt, a bunch of bracelets and strappy high heeled sandals, I opened the door again, Javi still standing there, with his face on his pockets, looking down.

 "I'm so sorry." Why was I even wearing blush when I had my natural talent of embarrassing myself to do the job?

 "No, no. I was the one who arrived early" He mumbled, still looking down "I said nine and I got here eight fifty-eight, so..."

 I had to laugh at his way of making me seem less idiotic. "Javi, you can look up now. I got a shirt."

 "Oh" His puppy eyes met mine and I smile "I must say I liked it better the other way."

 "Ha-ha, very funny" My face was still burning.

 I never thought I let a guy see my underwear on the first date – my parents taught me well – but... You never know. "So, where are you taking me?"

 "It's a surprise. You'll love it."

 As Javi's hand rested on my lower back and he pressed the elevator button, I could feel my phone ringing on my purse.

 I looked the name on the screen – Theo. And as I ignored his call, I knew there was no turning back.

any feedback will be much appreciated xx

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2015 ⏰

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