15. Challenging Him

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Ertugrul didn't knew if it was good or if it was very unlucky of him but after he tied the reins of Aktolgali in the stables and walked towards his tent after returning from caravansaray, he found Tugtekin right away.

He was just standing, looking at the moon with his nose pinched and that wasn't the only thing that annoyed Ertugrul about him.

Tugtekin's back was towards Ertugrul so he might not knew about the presence of the man standing behind him, who was going to explode at any minute then.

Rolling his eyes and not knowing uf Tugtekin really can't sense Ertugrul's presence or if he's just acting, Ertugrul stepped ahead and stood infront of him and he seemed shocked, it's so easy for a Mongol to attack you stupid man, you can't even sense someone standing behind you.

Ertugrul being the more muscular one and the taller one resulted to be very beneficial as Tugtekin couldn't ignore the massive body standing infront of him and stare back at his beautiful moon peacefully.

"What do you want?" Tugtekin spat as Ertugrul gave him unlimited stares only.

"What do YOU want Tugtekin? Isn't whatever you are doing in tribe isn't enough?" Ertugrul questioned, standing broad infront of him and Tugtekin too knew.... he couldn't step back or get out of this without answering Ertugrul. Everyone knew this!

"Whatever I'm doing in tribe is what i hold right over Ertugrul.... ALP! I'm the alp commander and you are weak, you need training-"

Ertugrul chuckled but there was no sarcasm in it. "Yes I'm weak and that's why I'm leading the war instead of you Tugtekin." He stated and saw Tugtekin's body tensed. "Not everyone is blind like you so it's better for you to stop comparing us and playing your games or when I'll come on taking revenge about whatever you are doing....." Ertugrul took a step ahead, they were standing pretty close. Is this the type of intimacy you deserve Ertugru? And that too with Tugteki, when it should be Halime you should be standing close to? "I'll make sure it hurts where it should the most and I'm not even kidding."

Tugtekin let out a laugh, an uneven one but definitely not a scared one, as if he care about anyone or anything. "Does Halime Sultan know that the man, Ertugrul Alp whom she chose as the alp commander is threatening his cousin like this. That this man is so fake and fake his care or softness and is actually so cruel. She would love to see you blinded by your anger and revenge Ertugrul and at the end of the day... it'll be me whom she will trust."

Ertugrul with a challenging gaze smirked, the kind of one that is very annoyed and very confident at the same time "Don't think about Halime because she knows what I'm like.... she also knows what you are like, because we talked and as much as I hate that the topic was you, I'm also relieved that she know you quite well by now, I didn't even had to mention something more to her."

That wasn't true, they didn't talked about him, or even took his name, they sat together, ate, discussed, complimented each other, blushed, their hands brushed against each other and they told how much they love each other in hidden words and those things only gave him much confidence knowing she trust him with not just the war but with herself too.

"Oh so you both talked and that too about me, am i that special?? What else you did with your old new toy Ertugrul?" Tugtekin teased, hoping Ertugrul will get angry and do something stupid that he can use against him in near future. That was the only flaw of Ertugrul and everyone seemed to take advantage of it.

"You know your words doesn't matter because of how disgusting you really are and unlike you I'm interested and committed to one woman only, I don't go around impressing any and every one I come across just to make my cousin jealous."

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