11. Jealousy

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In the Bey tent, everyone was waiting for the guest to arrive. While the hatuns were setting table.

Gokçe, Korkut Bey and Tuğtekin looked the most upset and angry. Gokçe's reason was different but now she was in the same league as Tuğtekin which was jealousy from Ertugrul and Halime.

Tuğtekin was jealous because he knew that Ertugrul was way more better than him and Gokçe was jealous cause she knew that Halime was way more better than her and they were perfect together.

"Why do she have to be the one huh? Are our brave ones not enough? Do they think we need someone like her as some sort of trainer?" Gokçe whispered to Gonca Gul who was beside her, sitting silently.

Gonca Gul looked at Gokçe from the corner of her eyes and releases a shallow breath. "Gokçe Hatun, living in Konya palace for at least four years have taught me that Halime Sultan is best of the bests. She is suitable for the position too and for Ertugrul Bey too, don't try to spoil everything or anyone's happiness."

Although it was nothing just truth that came out of Gonca Gul's mouth, Gokçe couldn't take it. Halime boiled her blood and her presence were lowering the chances of her marriage with Ertugrul.

Though, Gokçe and Tuğtekin too have been doing pretty well and everyone suspected their relationship to move on but since Halime came back, Gokçe have been back at her track of simping over Ertugrul.

Tuğtekin and Gokçe liked each othe, then they shouldn't even care about anyone else right?

"Do I have permission to enter?" Halime's voice drifted everyone out of their low whispers. Ertugrul smiled looking at the entrance waiting for her to enter.

"Please, come in Halime Sultan!"

Halime entered along with Aykiz, giving a smile to everyone.

"Assalam O Alaikum!"

Everyone nodded in response, mumbling their greetings in low tone. Korkut Bey greeted her in return. "Wa Alaikum Asalam Halime Sultan! Please sit."

Who knew it was Selcan, Aykiz, Gonca Gul and Sungurtekin's planning or it was the fate that the seat Halime got was right beside Ertugrul, and Aykiz was on her other side.

She ran a hand over her new red gown that Aykiz gave her and helped her get ready. It was so simple yet so elegant and guess who's favorite color was red? Yes, the man sitting beside Halime.

"It's a honor for me to sit with all of you on the dinner table."

"It's a pleasure for us to have you here Halime Sultan! Your late father Sultan Allaedin changed the fate of Selcuk state and now your brother is also on the same track as him. InshAllah, the Selcuks will rise again."

Gundogdu's word made Halime smile. She was really proud of her brother who was the new Sultan.

"It feels good to know what you all think about every step from our Sultan. My brother Sultan Kiliç Arsalan was not more than twenty five when he became Sultan, he was worried that how he'll take our father's place and sit on the same throne and keep the state going. We never saw our father's death coming so the sudden responsibilities on all three of us siblings were a great deal but thanks to Allah who guided us and made us helpful for everyone. Kiliç Arsalan and Giyaseddin, both are working like two wings of the state."

Everyone smiled and Ertugrul observed that she wasn't the exact same Halime, she was three years back. She was now a big part of the state and she understood her duties well and more than ever. She now cared about her family alot as well and gave them value.

"Let's start! Bismillah!"

Korkut Bey took a bread and cut it into half and passed it to Tuğtekin and Aytolun who were beside him. Ertugrul also picked up a bread and gave the other half to Halime, she took the quarter of it, passing the other quarter. Ertugrul lifted his eye brow as he looked at the small piece of bread in her hand.

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