chapter 7 : calming down

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I felt a touch on my wrist. A hand closed around it. This hand pulled at me. Still enraged, I lowered my gaze to my right hand and thus to the person who now dared to disturb me. I stared when I saw who had just grabbed me. HIS blond hair was blowing wildly in the wind. And his gray eyes were fixed on mine. How I loved those eyes. It flashed through my mind. And as I recognized the person I began to calm down. Slowly I sank to the ground. However, still surrounded by the raging storm. But as I calmed down, his words came through to me. "Harry calm down. It's okay to be angry, just calm down!" he repeated, My partner. My love. I tried to follow his words. I directed my concentration now exactly on him. On the love in his eyes, on his smell, which is home for me. "Good so let go Harry. It's oke." he said. Slowly I leaned against his chest. His arms went around me. I felt my magic flowing back into my body. And with the flow, a deep exhaustion came over me and I closed my eyes wearily. "I'm here," was the last thing I heard before a restful blackness enveloped me.

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