Chapter 1 : Red ?!

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Red ?!

"Over Time everything comes to light, albeit slowly."

Anger shot through my veins as I slammed the door of the small bathroom I shared with Ron and two others. I placed each of my hands on one side of the small sink and propped myself up on it. Then I took one of them and roughly loosened the tie of my uniform. How dare he send me back there and tell me with a small, but still noticeable to me, grin that I was treated well there.... HOW .... WHY .... Was he even listening to me when I spoke to him ?! Or did his praising lemondrops end up completely destroying his thinking skills. Still angry, I ran my hands through my already messy hair before placing my glasses on the small cabinet next to me. Now I turned on the faucet and splashed cold water on my face. Following that, I lifted my head to look into the splashed mirror in front of me. My eyes widened and focused on what I saw before me. Red. Red eyes staring back at me. My eyes. And then suddenly they changed back to the vibrant light green I'm known for. I blinked, once or twice. That wasn't real, was it, I thought? I continued to stare at myself for a few more seconds. The unhealthy beat of my heart was palpable. So was the noise in my ears. To free myself from what had happened, I shook my head as if to shake it off. At the same time, I heard the door of the dormitory open. Needing a valid reason for having been in here so long, I decided to try once again to tame my messy bird's nest of brown hair. I quickly grabbed the brush and started combing through it. "Dude ... is something wrong?", I already heard the voice of my best friend, in whose a certain caution resonated. "N-nothing Ron, I just had to go for little wizards once, you know?", I said. "And I combed my hair again, so much Ron, for the rest," I added. He and Hermione didn't know about the thing with my relatives and what my conversations with Dumledore were about. I didn't want them to know. So I tried to make my voice sound like it always did. I also put away the brush that I was still holding in my right hand. Then I opened the door and built the wall of happiness and unconcern, around me again.

hope you like it ^^
If something is unclear or you have things I could change or any Improvements are always welcomed ;) !
Write you next time !

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