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I breathe heavily as my hands grow sweaty and the leaves crunch under my heavy footsteps. Men shout from behind me as I sprint through the woods..wanted no needed to get away from the building I called 'home'. Wind combs through my hair, pushing me faster through the trees and bushes. Though the shouting gets louder and I begin to slow down.. no.. just a little more. you're almost there! push..

Just as I got past the old swinging chair and rusted, abandoned car just by the fence, something catches my leg. The stinging pain rushing through my body and I trip. A tall man wearing the same mask everyone wears, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. I feel a pinch in my neck and slowly...I fade into unconsciousness.


I wish I could get away, but I am yet to get far or as far as I want. The man... wearing the black suit says my behavior has changed. That I've been up to nothing but trouble.

I was told, when I first woke, I'd been out for a week. I've discovered they've built a new machine. And I have no idea what it does and that terrifies me. My parents, my family and friends.... will they find me? I have family? If I leave here where will I go? How will I survive? Who can I trust? Do they know I'm alive? My location? Are they trying to find me? I've waited years and years only to be told my parents are gone, so I've finally concluded that I will never be fre-

The ground beneath me shook. Everything shook. Agents flood my room pulling me out and that's when I saw it.

Fire and giant parts of the building falling off, more and more agents pouring out of the ruined buildings and soldiers I've never seen before running towards it. A war had started but before I could see anything else... my body began to give out and I began to collapse. Strong arms pull me up and drag me away. My vision grows spotty and fades to black.


Sometimes, I just want to scream because I'm so lost inside my own head.

Word Count: 370!

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