Suspicious Stranger

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It has been a while since Avocato moved closer to his job. He had finally had it with waking up at an ungodly hour and sleeping only 5 hours a day (if he was lucky) and so he had decided to move closer to the city.

It was alright- or so he tried to tell himself. He managed an apartment room with good rent in an... uncivilised neighbourhood.

The first few nights Avocato had spent reporting every single suspicious thing his eyes fell upon. He'd call the police when he heard screams or gunshots, when his upstairs neighbour had clearly been robbed but she was too old to notice (How? He didn't know) and so on went the list.

After many calls and complaints, Avocato finally came to the realisation that nothing would be done. The cops would just send people with a warning or brush off the whole idea away- Once they even recommend Avocato sees a doctor... Avocato IS a doctor!

So, when he was climbing up the stairs towards his apartment room, short scrawny stranger following him behind with hoodie drawn up and a black mask covering his mouth and nose, Avocato only sighed heavily.

Taking comfort in knowing at least some basic self-defense from his teen years, Avocato simply made stood at his door and took out the keys, body tensing when the man walked past him and attempted to open the door next to his.

Real subtle, Avocato rolled his eyes. Was the man really trying to pretend to live here?

Last week, Avocato's neighbour had been murdered while he was at work so Avocato knows for a fact no one lives there.

Watching the man attempt to open the door once more, Avocato simply stared down the hall as the stranger began to pat down his body as if looking for somethi-

Avocato's mouth fell open as, out of his back pocket, the shady man pulled out a key. A single key.
Making a small "ah-hah" before simply unlocking the door to what was a crime scene a week ago and most likely still had blood everywhere, mind you, Avocato heard his neighbour was stabbed multiple times.

What appeared to- Avocato can't believe this- to be his new neighbour, tensed and turned his head slowly towards him, face shadowed by his hood (not creppy at ALL). Avocato was frozen in his spot as the man removed his gloved (GLOVED!!) Hand from his pocket and simply lift it with a "Yo" before entering the apartment.

What. The fuck.


Avocato had a theory.
His new 'neighbour' was the murderer.

Now, he isn't paranoid or anything- it makes oerfect sense if you let him explain.

When he first saw his 'neighbour', the man didn't have any moving boxes with him, just a key.

So here's what Avocato thinks happened.

His old neighbour whom he never got to meet but seemed to like to jack-off evertime Avocato had to sleep, poor soul, was murdered by a scrawny teenager- stabbed cruelly which meant it was personal, right? Or maybe the dude is nuts-

Point is- the teen (Avocato was led to assume he was a teen due to his small figure and how terrifying teenagers are now a days) must have left evidence or something and stole the key to make sure to get rid of said evidence while taking residence in the home of his victim.

That would explain the gloves, not leaving fingerprints and all, as well as the masked face.


Avocato had long learned that calling the police is futile but how could he not when a murderer could very well be right next door? And if not a murderer just... some shady ass dude that definitely does drugs based off the smell Avocato caught off of him?

Suspicious Stranger - (Garycato One-shot )Where stories live. Discover now