cellphone, obsolet? (chapter 1)

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(darkness viewpoint)

5th November 1965, 11p.m.

*ring* *ring*,

the cellphone? it's been many years after this creation was used for the last time, why would it ring now and this late? *i give it a good look and wait for it to ring the second time.* there must be really someone calling, no?

*i do a little caugh and touch the old dusty apparate* should i really answer the call, i thought. you only live once or so they say, right? I pick it up and wait for the connection to clearify. "oh wow, never thought that you'd accept this call, but it seems like you still do have a light perspective, haha!" who is he? the voice is somewhere stuck in my memories but i cant recall it. i'll just wait for the person to speak again. "oh dear, don't you recognize me? we were good old pals!", good old pals? if my brain can't process who you are then it guaranteed means that you never played a special role in my life. "ouch, we all get older, seems like that young light brain of yours doesnt containe the same intelligence anymore... how upseting."


could that be...


"yeah, yeah i know you have many questions but they wont be cleared for now, but c'mon, show some symphathy or don't, i dont think it really matters since I don't forgive you. But im sure that im not the only being who doesnt forgive you. but who knows... maybe there are spirits moving around your place waiting for the right time to haunt you?

quit playing around! you dont even know me anymore and i wont let you find my current identity out. in fact, i'll be the one who's gonna find you and make you taste the true apple of death.

"hahaaa, well good lu-", i hung up. does she really think she can end me in this generation? it's been eons, i can taste the pathetic feeling in my mouth, even though it doesnt have a taste. is it normal to taste words anayway? i suppose not, but me, i am the better one after all. I better call doxxer now, we all grew with nicknames, even darkness is a nickname, but the best part is that every nickname of ours have a meaning behind it, or so i suppose? this cellphone... might be actually useful, i'll just call doxxer with it. now, now lets just dial the numbers and... spin!

conversation with doxxer

"you better be aware with who you're talking with." it's me, darkness, my voice should be clear enough to be recognized by you. well i have a favo- "you don't need to bring it up, i already know what will happen if i dont follow your order, now, what do you want, and why are you calling me from this number, do you have a new number?" good to know that youre still a puppet being controlled by me, but the important take is... im going to email you a number, i want you to get me every information possible with it, i mean it. EVERY information that gets sticky on your hand, understood? "yeah, as always. that's the only reason you find me useful anyway"

something is off with him. who cares, i'll just ignore it. does he really expect me to traver through empathy?

"deliever me the phone number now and i'll pass you the information" yeah, hanging up.

lets head to the computer. the password is as always a 16 digit code and a hand analyzer, the good part is that you need an extra code for the hand print. something humans wouldn't be able to surepass. none of them know the real meaning behind security. whats good for them anyway?doxxer really is a pain in the asshole sometimes, his over apathetic mindgames dont work on me, i wonder what he is trying to archieve. anyway, last number is a 0, come to the idea but all of hisnumbers ended with a 0... perhaps it has a meaning behind it?

i need to contact aiko, she's the only one who can find the band members,


she doesnt answer my calls anymore, its the 3rd day that i dont sense her active. what could've possibly happen to her anyway. tch, if she has fallen into oblivion then i'll just find someone else. those humans think they are a use to me, they are actually just tools. is it even worth calling them humans? right, they're just ogres who live in the curses casted by humans. there's no worth calling ogres humans. jeez, ive always been the so called genius in this fantazy of sadism. but this cellphone, it is sorrowned by a strange aura. no, not only. is it even explainable? i had a weird feeling while talking with... osman, but does osman really matter. he is just a puppet of imagination that believes has some sort of speciality. anyway, lets try to head back to aiko.

call with aiko

oh? you actually answered, well theres something imp- "YES IM SORRY SIR; I FORGOT TO INFORM THAT I HAD A 3 DAY LONG BUSSI-" DON'T CUT ME OFF LIKE THAT: and i think the rest of the story is already explainable. onto the topic, i want you to get the band, every member should be ready and fit. tomorrow at 10 p.m. is the meeting at our secret garage. and make sure to tell them to wear the black tiger scent scarf, understood? "yes, sir. sorry for cutting you off before, it was an accident because of the exitment i was carrying." yeah, i get it. now farewell.

who is she and dares to cut my sentence off like that? *bop* the email ringtone, it must be doxxer. but wait, why did he send the information with a link? who cares if he's trying out something with me then he obviously doesnt need a fucking link for it, after all he knows the power i hold too. oh! PERFECT! EVERYTHING IS GOING AS PLANNED. now, lets just get my incomprehensible notebook. come to think of it, this notebook caused more excruciating crimes ive done.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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it has always been 'Darkness', right?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora