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Hello Lunas,

This is going to be a chapter with both the introduction and rules. Don't worry though, we are not planning to make it a long chapter.  LuneCommunity was formed thanks to the support and idea, I got from my dear friend Aikmno. If you have time, do check her out and show some love. 

Now to the main point, 'why Lune Awards ?' 

We would like to give a platform for the underrated and hidden gems, at the same time create opportunities for the budding writers to develop. 

This award is going to be widely categorised by genres and sub-categorised based on the number of reads. 

Group 1- Below 1k (10 participants)

Group 2- 1k- 5k (10 participants)

On this award, we would be restricting to books that have reads below 5k. 

Also, we have a specific timeline that we would be following, which would be mentioned in Chapter 3. But, if in case something unforeseen occurs the stages might get delayed by a week or two. Do not fret though, we would keep you constantly updated. Entry password is your favourite fruit. Do not forget to add this in your form.

I love RULES, (Participants please read it)

🌙 Respect- I think this goes without a saying. But, some people tend to over step boundaries in awards. We would like to remind you to be patient, till the organisers and judges are done evaluating your work. 

🌙Do not Bribe- If we notice any bribing behind the scenes, the participant would immediately be disqualified from the awards. Kindly be fair and just.

🌙Follow- Give a follow to this account LuneCommunity and your assigned judge (If there is any change in the assigned judge you would be notified on it)

🌙Add the book to your library and public reading list- This is to make sure that you get prompt updates on the status of the book. 

🌙Shoutout- Please give a shoutout to this book. We would really appreciate the categories to fill in quickly, and the awards to move smoothly. 

🌙Entries- A maximum of two books per person can be entered in the awards. 

🌙Requirements- Your book should at least have four chapters excluding prologue, charachter aesthetics and  author's note. 

🌙Language- Only English books are accepted. 

🌙Changes- If you make any change in your username or title of the book, kindly update us. Failing to do this would result in disqualification. 


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🌙 Awards Admin

🌙 Promoters

🌙Judge Managers


Interested Role:
Available hours (per day):
Number of other communities you are part of:
Do you have Discord?:

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