"Go to the Rattanakosin mansion right now. You will be searching for Rianne" we all nodded and ran to change to different clothes... It's already night and it's not gonna help with the fact that we don't exactly know where she is... Is she alone? Oh no let's hope she's not...
After changing Cal walked to me and asked

"P'Arm, is this the first time?"

"Actually no... The same happened 2 years ago with Khun Kinn and Porsche"

"Where were they?"

"They were in the woods together.."

"What were they doing together?"

"You probably never heard of the story .. Porsche was Khun Kinn's bodyguard and they fell in love"

"And look at them now... The power couple"

"Indeed... Now come on, every passing second Rianne could actually be getting tortured" he nodded and we both walked outside to the van and got in. I took my tablet with me and messaged Pete.

"Are you coming with us?"

"Yes" I just nodded and waited till we arrived. When we arrived there were already vans outside, the first van drove off as another followed, the van we were using followed behind.
We followed and soon I realized we were on the way to Samot Sakhon. Soon the ride stopped and Pete? And his other bodyguards came out. I followed them and patted Pete, he looked back at me and he looked distressed.


"What are we doing here?"

"This is where Rianne's GPS last was" I nodded and looked around. I walked around trying to find traces of them.. I didn't really see anything but one thing I did notice on the way was a car parked recklessly as looks like it's rushed. I walked back to that car and looked at the plate number, รน 222.

"Pete! Come here please" I heard some footsteps rushing to me and there was Pete.


"Look at this" I pointed the flashlight at the plate number.

"Wait... This is Rianne's car" he said and shifted the flashlight to look at the whole car... It is indeed Khun's car. I looked back at the other cars behind them and use my flashlight to light it up and I looked at the plate number..

"Guys a reminder to look for a car that has the plate number พภ 1220. Khun Rianne said that it's the plate number of the car that followed them" I looked once again and fate... The plate number was พถ 1220. Pete's eyes widened which made him sigh.

"They're close... Around here maybe" I announced trying to look around. I walked to Rianne's car and tried to open it. Luckily it was not locked
I opened the door and looked around, it doesn't look like anything was stolen...and her phone was in the passenger seat, I took it and showed it to Pete.

"Pete, do you know her password?" He took the phone and tried unlocking it.. after a alittle more than 30 seconds he gave me back the phone, I looked at it and it was opened... But I saw something I didn't like... Well I don't wanna see it, Rianne and Big smiling happily together, it was her homescreen. I stopped for a second cause I felt rage build inside me.

"Team... It's gonna be hard trying to look for them at this hour, it's very dark. We'll continue tomorrow, take your rest cause tomorrow we're gonna try and look for them, hopefully they're close sound here" I commanded the others which they all agreed with, scattering around to go back to their own vans. I sat down at the trunk of Rianne's car and looked over the dark view. Pete sat next to me and asked

"Be honest with me .. did you ever like Rianne?" That's very random but he's not wrong

"To be frank, yes"

"I'm sorry Arm .."

"It's fine, I'm used to being second"

"You deserve someone who loves you just as much"

"I think I've already found that person... He's so close to me and he's always been there for me but I don't think he loves me the way I do"

"You never know what's gonna happen if you even confess"

"Honestly... Until now I still love Yahnnie"

"Well I hope you will be happy with that one person" I just nodded and thought about him.

Vegas' POV

I got out of my car and inside the mansion. I'm visiting Kinn well, I have some stuffs to discuss with him. I was greeted by the guards but something doesn't feel right. The maid smiled at me and led me at the dinning room, I smiled at her and she left. I was about to walk to them when I overheard them talking.

"Do you think Rianne's alright?"

"I hope" what? I kept a little smile and walked to them.

"Kinn, Porsche. What's happening here?"

"Rianne's at the edge of Bangkok and Pete is freaking out"

"Is Pete alright?"

"Yes, Pete was the one who called us and I'm pretty sure he's alright"

"He hasn't talked to me in a while"

"Why? What happened?"


"If you need any advice, we'll always be here to give those needed advices" I just nodded but my mind is all over the place.

Wild and Toxic (KinnPorche AU Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now