tic attack (hurt/comfort)

969 19 21

A/N : Projecting my tic disorder (which, yes, I have been diagnosed by a doctor to have an "unspecified tic disorder") onto Raine because I'm having a rough night of it and Raine is one of my main comfort characters

Normally, Raine's tics weren't too severe. They'd been diagnosed with Tourette's during high school, but they were definitely on the more mild end of it, really only having moderate motor tics throughout the day and occasional stretches of moderate vocal tics as well. However, there were still times when they just worsened, even if there wasn't a clear trigger or cause.

This was one of those times.

They were lying in the corner of the bunker next to Eda. The wild witch had set up a makeshift nest in the corner of the bunker so she could sleep better, and Raine found themself spending many nights falling asleep next to her in it.

On this particular night, they were twitching a lot. Their neck kept jerking around, their hands kept coming up to their chest and their whole body would tense for several seconds at a time. They were also having several vocal tics- Grunts and repetitive throat noises, as well as the occasional random phrase. Anyone looking on would be able to tell they were having a tic attack, and they were suddenly very grateful for the fact that the only person still awake in the bunker was Eda.

Eda looked over at them and gave a sympathetic frown before wrapping an arm over them to prevent any self-injurious tics. "Is there a reason this is happening right now?"

"Probably- Calamity!- Stress, I think" they replied after a moment of contemplation. Their entire body tensed for ten or so seconds, and they couldn't breathe during that duration of time. The tic went away and they exhaled deeply, groaning in pain as their neck jerked again. "I'm s- Owl lady!- I'm sorry" they apologized, feeling guilty for causing so much commotion next to the woman.

"Never apologize for this" Eda replied firmly, running a hand through their hair with a loving smile. "I'm not going anywhere. Is there any other way I can help you right now?"

"Honestly, just- Mph- Holding me so I- Haha! Wow!- Don't hurt myself too- Mph- Too much" they managed, getting a small nod in response as Eda repositioned herself to hold them securely in her arms. "Thanks"

"Don't mention it, Rainstorm"

Raeda Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن