stressed (hurt/comfort)

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A/N : I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with something at the moment and this ship has become a very strong force of comfort with all the shitty stuff going on in my life atm so here we are. Takes place pre canon, during their Hexside days. Also tw for stress and anxiety

Eda was once again staying over at Raine's house. This was not an uncommon occurrence, as being at home grew more and more stressful since the curse. Raine didn't mind anyway, in fact they actually really enjoyed the company. They're parents were... Not exactly the most attentive to them anyways so it's not like there was any trouble on that front.

On this particular day, Eda noticed that Raine was more on edge than usual. Now, the young witch had a tendency to be a bit shaky almost all of the time, so it wasn't uncommon to find them a bit nervous, but Eda knew them well enough to see that it was particularly notable. "Okay, what's going on?" the ginger asked flatly. If this were anyone else, Raine would deny that there was an issue, but this was Eda.

They didn't have to be cautious around her.

"I have this performance test thing tomorrow at school and I'm worried I'm gonna mess it up" Raine admitted, avoiding any eye contact with the other witch. "Ah" Eda replied, patting the spot next to her on the bed. Raine had been at their desk the whole time just obsessively reviewing the music they had to perform. Of course, they had no issue performing it when it was just the two of them, but they had a habit of freezing up in front of a crowd.

They took a deep breath before sitting next to the ginger and slightly leaning against her. Eda just chuckled at the gesture, knowing that Raine could get a bit clingy when they were stressed. She wrapped her arm around them and was relieved to feel them relaxing a bit at the contact.

"How long is the piece?" she asked, both out of curiosity and as a way to gage the situation. "About thirty seconds" the bard replied, suddenly feeling a bit self conscious over the fact that they were getting so stressed over playing a piece of music that was half a minute long. But, Eda wasn't judging them. She never did. Sure, she could often poke fun at them, but it was always out of a place of love and they both understood that.

"What do you think could go wrong?" she asked them, wincing slightly at the wording. She hadn't meant to be so direct with the question, but Raine didn't seem to bothered so she let it go. "What if I mess up because I'm too nervous?" the young bard replied, not as a question but more just them voicing their own worries. "And then I fail the test and become a laughingstock of the class?"

"Small hole in your point" Eda started, pulling Raine out of their worried thoughts "That teacher's always been understanding of your little stage fright issue. I'm sure you could take the test again privately if it does come to that" she explained "And besides, who is gonna laugh at you in that glass? Aren't the bards all nice?"

"Odalia sometimes sits in there to listen to the music" Raine countered "She's ahead in all her classes so she has the time to spare..." they added. Eda scoffed at that. "Well, she's an ass" she said bluntly, gaining a laugh from Raine. "And besides, if she does come in there to cause a scene, I will not hesitate to throw her into the ground as soon as she opens her mouth"

That got Raine's attention.

"You'll be there?" they asked, mentally kicking themself when they heard how hopeful the words sounded. "Are you kidding me, Rainestorm?" Eda asked with faked exasperation "Of course I'll be there for your silly test thing" she said with a dismissive hand wave. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't show up for every important test? Besides, it'll be fun to laugh at the other, less talented bards"

Raine laughed at that, feeling their worries melt away. Eda almost always found a way to do that just by existing. "It's a miracle you haven't been expelled at this point" they commented playfully, though a part of it was genuine. They were honestly a bit surprised that Principal Bump allowed the chaotic witch to stay in school. "What can I say? I'm irresistible" Eda replied with a shrug.

"Yes you are" Raine said without thinking. A second later, they realized what exactly had just left their mouth and went bright red. Eda didn't comment on it, which Raine was grateful of.

"Now" Eda said as she lied down, pulling the bard down with her. "You have overworked yourself today and need to be saving your energy for the test tomorrow. I am going to make tea and you are going to just chill out, got it?" she asked, though it was much more of an instruction than an actual question. "So bossy" Raine replied playfully, though did not push against the instruction given.

"I prefer the term 'fierce', but I'll let it slide this time, Rainestorm" Eda replied with a small chuckle as she left the room to make tea. Raine couldn't help but smile fondly as the witch exited. Eda was always so understanding of their worries and never judged them for it. She made them feel special even when they felt inadequate, and the two connected deeply.

That girl is gonna be the death of me Raine thought with an amused smile as they sat up and summoned their violin and gently played what Eda referred to as "Raine's Rhapsody". It was a tune they played whenever they felt stressed, and they got so lost in the music that they didn't even notice that Eda had returned until they felt the young witch sit next to them.

They quickly made the violin vanish with a small, embarrassed blush that made Eda chuckle. "You're cute when you're playing that thing" the ginger commented offhandedly as they gave a mug of tea to the bard, who was pleasantly surprised by how good the tea was. Sure, they hadn't been expecting it to be undrinkable but Eda also never struck them as the type to be good at something like tea.

"Thanks for this, Eda" they said softly as they blew on the tea to cool it down. "For what, exactly?" Eda asked, genuinely confused. "All of this" Raine clarified "You're always so nice and understanding of all my dumb little issues, and..." they trailed off as their face went slightly red "I appreciate you" they said, gaining a small chuckle from the other witch, who pulled them into another side hug.

"I appreciate you too, Rainestorm"

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