13. Oppisite sides

767 23 18

☆SONG: I Belong In Your Arms - Chairlift
•Daddy issues
Guess who's baaaackkkk 😎

I stare at the older man; my heart is fuming with every emotion. What. The. Fuck.

"What are you doing here?" I spoke.

I guess I sounded rude since Techno sent a glare my way. I didn't care, though; he deserved it. Who leaves a 14 and a 12-year-old in charge of a 5-year-old!? Heck, we could've been put into a foster home if anyone found out.

"I'm sorry, Toms. I did what I had to." He said quietly with nothing but guilt in his voice.

I scoff. "You left your kids. All alone. With no one to take care of them! You left us barely enough money for food and rent." Tears had started welling up in my eyes.

I was so mad yet so sad at the same time. It's been ages since I saw my father, I wanted to run up to him and hug him but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just sat there, glaring at him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I'll leave you alone." Phil said softly. I could hear the sadness in his voice.

"Yeah, just do it all over again." My voice quivered, I felt bad for what I said almost immediately.

I just watched as he walked out, definitely holding back tears just like me. Techno shook his head in disappointment. I looked down as a wave of guilt went over me.

My hands reached up and held my head after wiping tears away. God, I'm so stupid. I looked down into my lap as I bit my lip and furrowed my eyebrows, thoughts overtaking the silence in the room.

I sighed and walked towards my closet, pulling out a white tee shirt and basketball shorts. A shower always helps these rushing thoughts. I walked into the bathroom and twisted the knob, waiting for the water to heat up.


I woke up at around 7 AM as I quickly turned my alarm off, disturbed by the annoying sounds. I groaned as I sat up. I really didn't want to leave the house or even get out of bed.

I mean, it's Friday. It wouldn't hurt to miss a day, right? I turned off all the alarms I had set and pulled the warm sheets over my now-cold arms and closed my eyes.

I tried fall asleep but my mind couldn't stop replaying the words I said to Phil. I was frustrated with myself, I'm so stupid! Instead of arguing with my thoughts, I forced myself up and out of my bed before walking toward the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I didn't look into the mirror once when in the bathroom, I couldn't bare to look at myself. The noise made from my toothbrush brushing against my teeth was rather annoying.

I easily became irritated but I spat the paste out. Sighing and rinsing the brush with water before placing it back where it first was.

I heard my bedroom door open and I quickly turned off the light and hid in the bathroom to make it seem as if I had already left.

"He's gone to school already, sorry Phil." Wilbur's voice was muffled but his words were still audible to me.

A frown grew on my face in guilt. What I didn't understand was how Wilbur and Techno forgave him so quickly. He left us.

The trio of trouble // (Karlnapity)Where stories live. Discover now