Chapter 5

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Randy POV
"I know I need to tell her, but I can't tell her that my dickhead father killed her parents, I just can't yet," Randy said talking to Taco. "Randy, you need to, not for just for her for you. She's your best friend, and her day one, just think about it please," Taco said looking at Randy.

He's right I can't keep that to myself. Randy thought. "I'll tell her I promise but I-," Randy stopped. "But I love her to much to lose her," Randy said with a little tiny smiling on his face.

"Randy Bullet just said love," April said giggling. "Shut up," Randy said knowing that the boys are now going to instigate. "Fine Randy but please ," Taco said. Randy shook his head and said "ok. Good night."

It was the next morning and Ray got dressed and did her hair. Getting ready for school.

"Hey Vinny, good morning," Ray said coming out of her room and. "Hey Ray, how do you feel," Vinny asked. "I feel ok," Ray said grabbing so food. "Ok Ray if you need anything from me call even if you need to talk because you feel unsafe," Vinny said hugging me. "Ok thanks, I will, I have to go," Ray said.

"Randy you ready to go," Ray asked him as he was in his car. "You need to sit in the back, Violet so coming with so is Claire," Randy said looking at Ray. "Uhm I'll go with April and Ramee," Ray said looking at Randy but couldn't believe he was making her sit in the back if she drove with him. She know that he was being a jerk to her for some reason.

"Ok I don't care but we need to talk later," Randy said looking at his phone the called ID was Violet. "Bye Ray see you at school," Randy said.

What is with him. Ray thought to herself. Just then a girl with red hair came out of an apartment.

"April can I ride with you and Ramee," Ray said looking at her. "Of course Ray but why is Randy not picking you up," April asked. "Oh Randy's cranky," Ray replied but looked sad by that. "April did I do something he was good yesterday night," Ray asked looking at her. "No Ray he's just trying to figure things out," April replied. "Uhm Ray you're going shopping with me and Autumn right," April said smiling at her. "Of course," Ray said smiling back.

This chapter had a lot of information. And Randy saying "love" in this. And Ray is worried Randy might be mad at her. Oh my gosh. Tommy will probably be in the next chapter. I really really enjoyed writing this chapter.

Hope you enjoyed this one <3

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