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Now this is where it gets a little complicated.

I absolutely love Ron.

Adore him.

My absolute favourite.

Hermione on the other hand, yeah I do not like her. Now as previously stated, to me the books to not leave much to the imagination. And that is where I have a little problem shipping or entertaining some of the ridiculous ships in this fandom. There just is no canonical evidence of these ships. And honestly, I don't like most of the characters anyway. 

It is pretty obvious from the second book that Ron and Hermione like each other more than just friends. And that is proved throughout the entirety of the series. Sure they get crushes throughout just as teenagers do but their crush literally lasts forever.

 I believe Ron deserves someone better then Hermione, she's rude, sometimes abusive, and pretty insensitive. But I think most of my hatred for her comes from the fandom and the Bitch herself. Hermione gets away with everything, has no character development and the fandom just treats her like this princess on a pedestal who can do no wrong. 

I mean there is literally only one member of their trio who hasn't assaulted one of them, and can you guess who it is? Bet you didn't guess it...


That's right, the one person in the group who people believe to be the abusive, angry, jealous shit wizard. 

But Ron has not once hit his friends (pretty low standards right?) 

But don't get me wrong, I am under no delusions that Ron is this saint who has never done or said anything wrong. He's rude, also insensitive and can say some pretty hurtful things. But with Ron, he learns, he develops and the amount of  his achievements, I believe makes him the wonderful 3D character that he is. 

Anyway, back to the ship. I do like Ron and Hermione, it's very obvious that they care for each other very much and I don't think Hermione is this terrible person, she has the right heart and tries her best, it's just the Bitch herself sucked at writing Hermione. And most of the characters in this series. 

My opinions on Harry Potter ships 😀😀Where stories live. Discover now