Now here they were, wandering up what Jennie was sure would qualify as a mountain, Jisoo called it a little hill.

Lisa kept a close eye on Jennie, she knew Jennie wasn't outdoorsy and needed assistance. "Can we rest?" Jennie asked eyeing a nice rocky place to sit.

Jisoo looked around, "Yeah, I guess."

Lisa dashed up a tree. Jennie had seen it four times already today and was still dumbfounded by how quickly Lisa went up and down trees.

Lisa went up as far as she could safely go. She managed to break the canopy and saw the lake off to her right. She saw a clearing a hundred or so yards ahead of them. She took a moment to

enjoy the breeze and being so high up.

Jennie watched the lanky girl disappear into the leaves. Lisa always wanted to reach up to the sky, which Jennie found terrifying, because the blonde really wanted to stay on the ground. Lisa reappeared slipping silently back down the trunk. "Were you secretly raised by raccoons?"

Jennie asked once her feet were back on the ground. Lisa looked at her like she had grown a second head. "What did you see, sis?" Jisoo asked.

"There's a clearing that way," Lisa pointed.


A few minutes later, Jennie would have said days later, they came to a clearing high on the hill. It was a field full of wildflowers.

Lisa gasped and ran out into the flowers. "We're going to be here for awhile," Jisoo said. Jennie followed after Lisa.

Before long Jennie was making flower crowns from the heaps of flowers Lisa picked. Lisa lay on the ground looking up at the clouds with her head resting on Jennie's legs.

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