Chapter 4 Human pet?

ابدأ من البداية

Lowering his ears, and closing his eyes he stood up. Sniffing the air for a second, the dragon located the source coming from upstream. Picking up the satchel and throwing it over his shoulder the dragon proceeded to walk upstream.

It's probably just a wolf's kill. But even so I need to report about any wolf or predator near the farm. Darn. On my day off too. 

Hopping over a decaying log, the scent of blood got stronger. Getting closer and closer to the source, he pushed past tall grass and finally found it. The dragon felt himself gag slightly, it's not like he hadn't seen or smelled blood before, just it's…...horrible… but this…

It was a human…I think.. with horribly mutilated and bloody arms, a long injury on the neck, his face was covered with messy blue hair with red and white highlights, and a barely rising and falling chest.

Without really thinking, the dragon grabbed the half-dead human bridal style and quickly began to rush back.


Bela had just been playing and beating two of her brothers at a game of cards when a panicked dragon burst through the door and darted back out yelling.




Bela and Kaz jumped up confused. Bela followed closely behind her brother to the 'healing den', which was basically a glorified shed with a table and basic medicines in a cabinet. Kaz trailed a few steps behind and the oldest shuffled to get something from the kitchen.

About 3.048 meters (10 feet ) along a dirt path heading left from the cabin was the 'healing den'. Entering the small shack, Ukraine dropped the injured human on the table and shuffled out of the way for his sister. Who was working quickly and had already gathered bandages. Shoving her siblings out of the shed, she slammed the door to get to work. 

Dropping down onto the ground, Ukraine took a seat with Kazakhstan who was looking concerned, sitting next to him. He must have seen how pale Ukie's face had gone as he stared at his bloody arms. So he wrapped his golden feathered wing comfortingly around the other dragon's back. The sound of footsteps caused Kaz to look up. 

 "Что случилось брат?" (What happened brother?) A very worried, tall figure asks as he approaches his siblings. He sat down across them. Putting down the bucket of water and the cloth he had brought, he signaled Ukraine to show his arms.

Before the dragon could answer, Bela opened the shed door and yelled "Kazakhstan I need your help!" 

Looking back at his sibling he yelled "Coming!" And gave his brother one more pat on the back with his tail before running up to the shed and slamming the door with a loud crash, catching a tail feather in the process.

"I-I don't know. I really don't….." Ukraine paused for a moment before continuing to answer his older brother's question "I just found him… after I tracked down the scent of blood. I thought it may have been a wolf's kill"
A nod and a "mhm" was all Russia said while he continued to wipe the human blood off Ukraine's arms.

After a second he muttered "That shirt is ruined."

"Wow. Care more about my shirt than my well being ." 

"You know what I meant." 

"Yeah yeah, I know! It's a joke, genius. " He huffed.


Pausing, The older dragon just emotionlessly death glared at his brother.

"Why am I related to you?"

A dragon and his royal doofus (Old Version)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن